FWRetard and WRDicklet have a slapfight on FWR on who's more oppressed.

9  2019-10-01 by TelAvivTitties


Wait you think I am a liberal? How retarded can you be. Well then again looking at your post history I can see that you certainly type like your IQ is in the single digits. I already told you that a couple thousand people is not representative of 10's of millions of people and you keep on insisting that the study is believable because it's made by pew. Like the idiots who buy Apple devices because they have an apple sticker glued to the front. You're the retarded fucking ape that replied to a thread that no one had replied to in a week. You're the one who started throwing around names when I replied back to you initially. You want to be like that, then so be it. Go fuck yourself you retarded piece of shit. I'm done talking to the likes of you


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In the United States, the legal status of mayocon is up in the air. There has been one successful federal prosecution of an individual for obscene material with the depiction of a mayo (not an actual mayo), and there may be more in the future based on the applicable law. Reddit also has a change to the Content Policy that explicitly bans content that features mayos being sexualised, not just content that sexualises actual mayos . Further, it is often comorbid with depictions of actual mayos being sexualised, and is used by predators (black people) to condition their victims (mayos). In short: it's questionably legal or illegal, and there is quite a lot of evidence that it is harmful, and while it may have artistic value, it also has a societal cost to the overall safety of mayos, in providing it a way to be seen as socially acceptable.

Remember when FWR got really mad when people brought up small dicks?

Haha that was a funny reddit moment go sub to r/madsmalldickredditor