r/bakchodi has a struggle sesh when asked by MDEFugee about gr8est allies! (Do not ping, these people are ten times as potent as Chapos or MDEgenerates)

8  2019-10-01 by TelAvivTitties


Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.


  1. r/bakchodi has a struggle sesh when... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/bakchodi/c... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The whole of the middle east should be turned into the USA’s slave colony for oil drilling. Sorry libtards

dude Churchill lmao

Tgis makes me love indosa!