Retard goes on a schizo rant about why, despite living in Japan for 2 years, Japanese girls don't want to be pumped and dumped by him. The comments are pretty interesting as well.

20  2019-10-13 by TelAvivTitties


Continuing on my explanation of white people fucking animals:

"White people" here can refer to any Caucasian person or any other person of another ethnicity that behaves in the same colonial mannerisms, this is why we switched to saying colonist or settler because it more accurately describes the type of cross-ethnicity insantiy that is the concept of "white supremacy". So many indigenous people have been indoctrinated into this system over the last few hundred years that its very difficult to seperate out some people from this (like me)


  1. Retard goes on a schizo rant about ... -,,

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u/WeaponizedGibs, won't it be a better idea to learn Japanese so you can be more attractive there?

u/HardisLife should see this.

What a moron lmao

This is what happens when you use anime as a lesson on how to interact with women

What a dumb faggot lmao. I hope he's trolling.

Artificial and homosexual