I just think they are ultra reactionary and looking for something to be passionate about and give them a reason to feel oppressed. This victim hood trend spans the political spectrum imo
they're zionists and love to parade around black people more than liberals do.
that's like saying fuckthealtright/tmor/those kinds of subs are full on authoritarian communist eat-the-rich-whites because there's a decent overlap there too.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-10-25
We have become so concerned with micro aggressions; we have closed our eyes to macro aggressions.
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1 TelAvivTitties 2019-10-25
u/ponzishill do you unironically think alt right=MAGApedes?
1 ponzishill 2019-10-25
I mean there is a ton of overlap. A lot of them hang out on the Donald.
1 TelAvivTitties 2019-10-25
They do, but there are fundamental differences between the alt right and Normal rightoids.
1 ponzishill 2019-10-25
There is a difference, but the hardcore Trumptard base is not just "normal rightoids."
They have all of the traits of a proto-fascist movement, all of the emotional traits are present.
Like you can see the screenshot from that sub:
This shit is common over there. Along with conspiracies about how google is erasing whites.
1 pol__invictus__risen 2019-10-25
So it's a bunch of people being correct that the left wants to destroy the white race?
Well yeah I can see why Chicommit would want to shut that down.
1 ponzishill 2019-10-25
Yeah, an adult being in a consensual relationship with other adults is probably destroying the white race.
1 Kat_B0T 2019-10-25
I just think they are ultra reactionary and looking for something to be passionate about and give them a reason to feel oppressed. This victim hood trend spans the political spectrum imo
1 TelAvivTitties 2019-10-25
Pol_Invictus hi Ily
1 BriefSquirt 2019-10-25
they're zionists and love to parade around black people more than liberals do.
that's like saying fuckthealtright/tmor/those kinds of subs are full on authoritarian communist eat-the-rich-whites because there's a decent overlap there too.
td is just generic boomer haven.
1 TelAvivTitties 2019-10-25
Exactly lol. Most of these "anti evil" subs make that fundamental mistake of thinking people in alt right spaces wear MAGA hats.
1 BriefSquirt 2019-10-25
even right now they're going against tpusa for being supportive of (((them)))
1 BriefSquirt 2019-10-25
im objectively correct lmao