Burgershit. I'd like to see pizzashill and pol invictus's opinion on this.

8  2019-10-26 by TelAvivTitties


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. Burgershit. I'd like to see pizzash... - archive.org, archive.today

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I won’t click on vox, but I can assure you PS would likely agree with the piece. Most of his political opinions are him parroting vox and buzzfeed articles.

vox.com: At Vox we do hard news, but more importantly we help white people who hate themselves feed their delusions.

You know it's a website that does a bunch of different things, right?

Being a salty mayo is better than being a mayo and shilling for vox tbh.

I'm not "shilling for vox " I'm sick of dumb people that can't think.