You cancerous neet government aid needing faggot, I can barely understand the language you speak you fucking Newfag Mexican, second YOU are not relevant enough to ever have a joke made about you nor will you ever be relevant in your entire basement dwelling reddit using virgin life
Yeah, I am starting to suspect that you are one of those wonderful pedophiles people. I bet you got hard to that shitty drawn cock I made that looks like a 5 year old drew it I bet that is what got your tiny pedo cock hard ehh? Well no fuck off you fucking unoriginal retarded flaming faggot.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-07
You cancerous neet government aid needing faggot, I can barely understand the language you speak you fucking Newfag Mexican, second YOU are not relevant enough to ever have a joke made about you nor will you ever be relevant in your entire basement dwelling reddit using virgin life
Yeah, I am starting to suspect that you are one of those wonderful
pedophilespeople. I bet you got hard to that shitty drawn cock I made that looks like a 5 year old drew it I bet that is what got your tiny pedo cock hard ehh? Well no fuck off you fucking unoriginal retarded flaming faggot.Snapshots:
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 MacAndShits 2020-03-07
Was zum fick hast du gerade über mich gesagt, du kleine bITCH?
1 AndemanMan 2020-03-07
1 UnalignedRando 2020-03-07
How many jews did Oppa have to kill to be awarded that gun?
3 automatic_cluck 2020-03-07
1 UnalignedRando 2020-03-07
Thank you for your service Oppa. Hope you're having a blast in heaven, with Jesus thanking you for taking revenge on those who killed him.
1 automatic_cluck 2020-03-07
lol gay