Based Snappy quote laden essay.

1  2020-05-26 by Dadruepari


Someone spent their time and brain power on this.

I don't think you understand this community. You're going to get fucked over, real hard. Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed, you name it. I guess that's what you wanted though, because you never had attention from your parents so you look for it online. Besides, her bussy was taken down twice already before, and it always comes back.


  1. Based Snappy quote laden essay. -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


post quotes

These people are embedded deep in this site. Go through their posts. I don’t know how many alt accounts there could be. There might even be some group controlling these power users, maybe even nation-state actors looking to agitate the melting pot that is America. I am not privy to that information, and would not like to make premature accusations. What I am unfortunately privy to, however, is the garbage content these people create and allow, the culture of hatred and division they foster, and the derailment of the purpose of this website as a platform for hobbyists, information/meme seekers, and earnest debate. You can create racially motivated subs and "social experiment" posts only so many times before it becomes crystal clear that you really do believe the things you claim to say in jest.

Not a very good one tbh.

Whatever comes of this post, I want YOU (you know who you are!) to know that on this website people are often not acting in good faith. It is difficult to tell the true identities of users, and at times you may feel like you're surrounded by wolves in sheeps’ clothing; you should perform your due diligence and try to figure out the motives of those you interact with, and if necessary, call them out. Notice bias. Voice your opinions respectfully and succinctly, and don’t let your emotions get riled up by dumb rage-bait posts. They are trying to play you. Do NOT harass them. Do NOT identify racial groups. Do NOT play their game.


Shouldn't be used as a quote imo, but if you think it's passable, maybe with a few tweaks:

Take a look at these other mods, be they associates or alts, of the aforementioned subreddits:


...and more I can't be bothered to keep track of. Just go to the subs they mod, then go to the mod list of those subs, and plain as day you’ll see that it’s an incestuous thicket of these goons just about everywhere. Click the mods' names to keep the chain going. Sure, there’s bound to be some overlap with mods, but these people are pretty tight with each other on numerous subreddits.

Really basic one.

These are not the actions of well-meaning people, or even of greedy karma farmers. These are the actions of vindictive, power-hungry keyboard warriors on a mission, (or at the very very best, nasty trolls with too much time on their hands). But really, the end result is the same: sowing discord while silencing opponents, abusing their power and influence to cover each others’ asses. Play for play from the authoritarian playbook.


BEST one yet imo. Weisse KOPE:

Whoever these people are, when they go on the offensive they almost exclusively target Christians and Whites ("Christian" and "White" can be seen in many their post titles), specifically American Whites, constantly setting them up as the enemies of minorities, science, and well, pretty much anything else Reddit would hold dear. These users claim to be in their 30s, 40s, and 50s; they claim to be bisexual, or transsexual, or married with kids; they claim to be Black, White, Jewish, or Canadian...but there’s only one thing that’s important: It doesn't matter who they are. What’s important is that they are a closely connected group of corrupt users who, every day, inject into their own subreddits (and elsewhere) comments and posts filled with political and racial vitriol engineered to race-bait and galvanize the user base of this website, all the while infiltrating and subverting subreddits that don’t subscribe to their extreme worldviews. These are moderator coups that would even make Joe Stalin himself blush upon seeing such unabashed subterfuge.