100% AGREE

35  2020-06-09 by ProEvilOperations


What the fuck I love blackpill feminism

g e k o l o n i s e e r d

Can we stipulate that we only take in tens?

I don't think you understand this community. You're going to get fucked over, real hard. Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed, you name it. I guess that's what you wanted though, because you never had attention from your parents so you look for it online. Besides, her bussy was taken down twice already before, and it always comes back.


  1. 100% AGREE - archive.org, archive.today

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In other words, mass importation of African, Muslim and Eastern European dishwashers for the Western r@pists?

Would be great if that end up causing a mass conversion-for-gussy because quite a few of the dishwashers of the faith of Allah won’t give up their gussies nor their hands to anyone but the righteous followers of Allah.

Maschallah, dies ist in der Tat ein tolles Angebot.

Allah ist groß.

China needs to do it unironically

This but unironically. If you you’re family is fleeing civil war, well take the women and the children, but if you’re a middle aged capable man, you should be fighting you fucking bitch.