RIP u/ProEvilOperarions

28  2020-06-11 by pugba

Idk how you got banned but your sacrifice will absolutely be in vain. Thank you for being our retard, may your alt accounts continue to red pill the ignorant πŸ‘³πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€²

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u/ProEvilOperations 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I feel kind of bad about stealing all of his alts for a joke now.

E: I didn't take u/Pro-EvilOperations if you read this.

So it was you 😀

PrimevalOperations coming soonβ„’

Don't test me. I'm pretty sure that emoji counts as hate speech according to the new rules

Sad day 😭😭😭

nigga weren’t you banned

Reddit accounts are free nigga. Also Uppercase "i" looks just like lowercase "L" on lots of fonts.

It’s almost like I can hear your ghost talking to me. Gone but not forgotten 😭😭😭

Ghosts are a spook.

Also deux jannies are doing an awful lot of unpaid labor recently πŸ€”

It’s your fault for trusting the french

What happened? Was it BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP-Fan's fault?

Nah I said that AHS posted child porn and legit got banned for minor sexualization rofl



My mother's life is being threatened by the american government and im fuxking done caring about anyone elses opinions about the truth.


  1. RIP u/ProEvilOperarions -,

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