it never even began

3  2020-06-20 by tejanx


Continuing on my explanation of white people fucking animals:

"White people" here can refer to any Caucasian person or any other person of another ethnicity that behaves in the same colonial mannerisms, this is why we switched to saying colonist or settler because it more accurately describes the type of cross-ethnicity insantiy that is the concept of "white supremacy". So many indigenous people have been indoctrinated into this system over the last few hundred years that its very difficult to seperate out some people from this (like me)


  1. it never even began -,

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SRD lite

You can fuck with people but you can’t be racist, where’s the issue here? Do deuxfags miss calling black people monkeys for the 4 millionth time?


That’s very problematic of you. Your white privilege is not an excuse to belittle those who aren’t part of a race best known for colonising every place it could.

did i ask?

The inherent disdain in your replies show a deeply rooted hate for black people. Do you feel inadequate when comparing yourself to black people? Is that why you become uncomfortable at even the slightest suggestion that black people are, in fact, just as adequate as white people, and may even excel at certain tasks? Does it remind you of how meaningless your life really is? Or how meaningless every life really is?

You will most certainly retort with a response that you consider “witty” and “based” in order to get the most upvotes, as that is one of the few ways that still give you any form of validation and help make your otherwise dull life feel purposeful, if even for a matter of seconds. But I don’t mind :)

words words words



sp3ak 0n it


you deserve scaphism most likely nazi i hope you fall


That apparently scare you because you refuse to even say youre not racist. Funny how multiple people keep calling your deep south ass out?

oh no i'm making fun of the fragile rightoids

Ah okay, mb

Yeah but that includes white people. 😢