
1  2020-06-23 by DrunkenRecidivist

I had to scream obscenities at a karen today and she was far too bold for anyone's good. We were both wearing maksks. Her: a black denim butt hugger that couldn't help but accentuate her milfy sexuality. Me: a white, paisley bandana folded diagonally with a 2" top twist.. As our encounter escalated my 450lb frame was struggling from the lack of oxygen so I pulled down my mask and demanded my tendies. She immediately bitched the fuck out when she saw my Chad-like visage commanding her to do my bidding.

Just pulling your mask down when you are arguing with someone is a pretty good power move these days. Try it.


fucking take the effort to read 3 sentences you dumb faggot. it isnt a complicated post. fucking retard.


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We really need to add new material to snappy

Quality boomer reply imo. Classic snapshill. Couldn't be happier. I don't even understand what these kids are rapping about these days so don't go putting quotes on there willy-nilly.