Starterpack about functional families makes redditors jealous. Linking the whole thread because the cope is everywhere.

1  2020-06-23 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


We have become so concerned with micro aggressions; we have closed our eyes to macro aggressions.


  1. Starterpack about functional famili... -,*

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I diagnose you with homosexuality

can't have a family if you burn 500 a month on funkoshit

lmao who downvoted this


Uhmmm sweaty collecting funko pops of your favourite female super hero's is heckin brave


apostrophe is possessive, shitlord

I never claimed to be a feminist >:) r/cummingonfigurines

I really want to drop the suggestion that hubby is giving handjobs at the sauna, but I won’t.

It's so pathetic seeing redditors talk so condescendingly about abstract concepts that they obviously don't know shit about.

Everyone decries our individualist society until they see what a collectivist one looks like

So this person either lived in the soviet union in the 50s or watched a netflix show about the evils of not being a "quirky" hyper self obsessed cunt. Take your bets.

You will be forced to give up important parts of your identity in order to keep the family/society harmonious

Like not spending 14 hours a day on reddit and porn?

True, and this infuriates me so much

Literally who the fuck are you that people should take care not to offend?

And all this just to own the mormons lol

So this person either lived in the soviet union in the 50s or watched a netflix show about the evils of not being a "quirky" hyper self obsessed cunt. Take your bets.

I mean he is the latter but he will argue that he is talking about the first one.

/u/ProWaterboarder in this house we believe that Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, and Alsace-Lorraine is rightful German clay

Ahem. It's ""Elsass-Lothringen"".


No mean pings

Hm how wide/narrow is the definition of "mean" here?

offending normies is cringe

I mean whether pinging sb from a thread that's being made fun of is already bad and counts as "mean", that kinda thing

This is honestly just depressing

Is there anything that makes the average redditor more angry than successful healthy people?

Manchmal haben wir eine natürliche Abneigung zu Dingen die wir also zu rein, zu sanitisiert, zu idealistisch, als nicht genügend Ecken und Kanten habend wahrnehmen - in solchen Fällen reden wir dann von Diabetesüberdosis, Stillleben Kitschkollektion usw.

Jedoch ist es selbstverständlich auch wichtig, ja unabdingbar sogar, hier die gesunde Perspektive zu behalten, weiterhin Ideale und Reinheit hochzuschätzen, und es mit dieser Art von Humor nicht allzu sehr zu übertreiben sodass man noch vergisst was wirklich angebracht ist.