I’m giving up detached irony.
1 2020-06-24 by Uncle_Turban
With the exception of politics, I’ve realized that the only reason detached irony is so common these days is because no one has the balls to present an actual opinion. From now on, I will only use incredibly attached and personally relevant irony.
Except for politics lol those fuckers are rabid.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-24
My mother's life is being threatened by the american government and im fuxking done caring about anyone elses opinions about the truth.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-06-24
I was with you until this. Coward.
1 Uncle_Turban 2020-06-24
Imagine actually getting unironically passionate about a bunch of faggots wearing suits.
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-06-24
ask drama to imagine lmao
1 Chapose 2020-06-24
Imagine imagining
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
Here's an opinion ; George Floyd was a low-tier thug and meth/fentanyl addict and is clearly not worthy of all the protests
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-06-24
I smell a deuxfugee.
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
I happen to be a centrist and i joined reddit after MDE was banned ; i learned about its existence only a month ago
1 MachoMaamSandyRavage 2020-06-24
Wierd way to admit you're 14.
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
Too low
1 MachoMaamSandyRavage 2020-06-24
Ok zoomer.
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
wanna try me ?
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
1 wordscounterbot 2020-06-24
Thank you for the request, comrade.
u/Cryptic7-2 has not said the N-word.
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-06-24
If you really want it then fine, i believe you. That comment still reads like it though. Don't larp like a counter-lib fool; literally no one with two brain cells to rub together whether left, right or else thinks all this commotion was in the name of george floyd
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
It was triggered mainly by this retard, though
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-06-24
What is even your point? That rather insignificant events shouldn't act as a catalyst for large scale shitstorms?
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
Not, that an event as insignificant as a random crackhole's death shouldn't have sparked and been used as a symbol for such a stupid shitstorm
2 pot_head_pixie 2020-06-24
What is the appropriate reason a stupid shitstorm should begin with then? Would it be understandable to loot, vandalize and attack indiscriminately under the guise of equality if he was a church going, selfless community service guy? No. None of this has anything to do with george floyd, it was the collective hysteria the americans have been going through for the past decade that led to this. At some point someone coincidentally uttered the words "i can't breathe" and that merely sparked the people looking to blow the steam for all the past bullshit.
1 Cryptic7-2 2020-06-24
It should have begun with an actual racist cop doing an actually racist thing. And i would never say any of this was justified
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-06-24
So you're saying you're not ok with all this in any way, but since it happened it at least should have had a real reason? Are you not seeing that you don't really have a point? I can understand you being frustrated with shit, and i say that without any intention to look down on you, because everyone is. But to make comments like that only makes you look more simple than you might be, and it makes this place seem like yet another refugee camp for the edgy lads to fill with their inane memes.
1 32624647 2020-06-24
But seriously, though, I think the reason why people apply detached irony so much to politics isn't necessarily because they have no balls.
It's because they know no matter how good their argument is, they'll never be able to convince someone who thinks differently than them to change their mind.
I mean, I know I never have, and when was the last time you have, either? It didn't happen, because to convince someone to change their mind, you also have to convince them to leave their social bubble of Internet and college buddies who share the same political opinions as them, and that's not gonna fucking happen.
No one's gonna leave their friends behind because of some rando's online dissertation. As soon as it looks like they might be wrong, they'll just enter denial mode, downvote bomb your comments, and go to Chapo or the newest MDE replacement sub and tell their buddies to do the same. After they're done with that, they'll just go back to doing the same shit, as usual, and all that effort you put in that online debate will have been for nothing.
So why fucking bother?
Just take the detached irony pill and be done with it.
1 throwawaywtf7778 2020-06-24
ok did i ask?
1 sh1tpo5ta 2020-06-24
didn't read lol