I don’t wanna die bros

1  2020-07-07 by DR_BALL_MD


I'm a straight guy who used to be friends with people like this. I know exactly what you're talking about. They killed my self-esteem for months. Cutting them out was one of the best desicions I've ever made.


  1. I don’t wanna die bros - archive.org, archive.today*

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looks shit

sharts in ur mouth

I've always liked heavily processed Chicken. I mean, think about it, there are some parts of the Chicken that you would never normally eat--or even want to eat. For example, at my local market, they have plump pink breast meat, thighs, and wings. But they never stock beaks, feet, anus, eyes, or spleen. These under recognized bits of the Chicken are just as delicious--albeit unsightly. The magic of the Nugger, is to present to you, in a soft, uniform, and agreeable way, all the most delicious naughty bits of the Chicken. Imagine the rare and unique nutrients that you get this way.