šŸ”„ Take

1  2020-07-08 by anuddahuna


well, he has a point

post is in broken indian troll english but he posts in teenagers


His name is Bob Vagene

White astronauts are actually a form of White Supremacy.

The real 6head take is the first reply.

iā€™m pretty sure they did a Will Smith netflix movie based on that galaxy brain line of thinking

You cancerous neet government aid needing faggot, I can barely understand the language you speak you fucking Newfag Mexican, second YOU are not relevant enough to ever have a joke made about you nor will you ever be relevant in your entire basement dwelling reddit using virgin life

Yeah, I am starting to suspect that you are one of those wonderful pedophiles people. I bet you got hard to that shitty drawn cock I made that looks like a 5 year old drew it I bet that is what got your tiny pedo cock hard ehh? Well no fuck off you fucking unoriginal retarded flaming faggot.


  1. šŸ”„ Take - archive.org, archive.today*

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Someone please send me the source for this

what an absolutely awful idea

Based lad

Racism isn't a natural human tendency.

Genocides and slavery through most of history had nothing to do with race.

These are both in the same comment too.

Or pull whatever that one South American country did and force everyone in the "New World" to interbreed so that there is eventually only one race on Mars anyways.