1  2020-07-27 by Hell0Everyone


To any AHS cel lurking: r/zweirama has nothing in common with deuxrama and was created after the mods at r/drama made a Brezel seethe so much that he went and created his own cope sub. It died immediately and was later picked up by me as a truly Centrists alternative to r/drama without smug posting and tarded Jannies.

Based Keller trying to dip Dodge the cp!

The 4th Reich think on the about is going to confuse them

Wtf is a "deux"rama???

An MDEfugee spin-off of r/Drama. We are the good guys

we wuz gud boyz n shiiet

We wuz kingz n shieeet


I self identify as Aryan superior race ™

Glowies out!


Is that a dog? Sir..

It wasn't even started as an MDE hive intially, it just fell to the horde of MDE goblins over time.

A based sub that was banned due to excessive seethe by power jannies on AHS. Completely unrelated to this place though

The mods consist of, a black man(me), a lesbian Indian(root) and an Asian Asexual(Meow). Nice try though AHS 😎

And we make our cis het white males do the hard work like doing CSS for free while I won’t touch it at all even tho I’m a web developer.

You say that like it doesn't make you sound useless

I bring diverse minority female viewpoints to the table.


  • Idris Elba
  • bad J-pop
  • getting your nails and hair done


  • SQL
  • creepy old boomers
  • posting feet pics

I think we could do without your opinions tbqh.


  • SQL


imagine using a relational database like a virgin instead of using excel and csvs like a chad.

Excel?! Excuse me, I'm not Bill Gates bitch.

Tbh is she even asexual? You left off the constant posts about facesitting, though I suppose that was a few iterations of HIL lore ago. 🤔🧐

I dunno, honestly she's inspired me to increase my own disinformation output because you can see how hard it is to pin her down on anything. Except for actually being an asian woman. Oddly enough, she is actually a real grill.

I’ve created a secret inner circle in my cord where I share my secrets.

I'm hanging out with all the rest of female drama discordcels while you're left shrieking in jealousy with your zoomer simps. 😎

Zoomers are just the front. Behind it I’m collecting millennials and black men.

I’m collecting millennials


and black men

(x) doubt

I have 4 black men in my cord. Basically, that means my cord has more than /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

You could probably collect more on Twitter. Just need to post feet in addition to DMing brown girls who complain about their white boyfriends.

I did create a twitter account once just to DM to this Indian activist who kept posting how racist white people were and about white privilege all day but she let her white bf called her aloo prata or something like that. She, however, turned it around to make it about Indian men glaring at her and her white bf. I asked her if she was against racism and microaggressions, why she kept dating white men who treat her with racist remarks. She blocked me.

Proudly 100% mayo free.

Behind it I’m collecting [...] black men.

ahs pls help

True, I figured her existence was a larp until she linked her YouTube channel. Turns out foids can be just as autistic as the rest of us. Who knew?

Honestly? I’m demisexual. I COPE by saying overly sexual stuff.

Wrong, I don’t paint my nails.

And I don’t hate SQL. It’s just not programming.

It’s just not programming.

Yeah, the men who do that could never master Javascript and making things pretty. 🤭

You hire white men? This is going to get us banned ffs.

We don’t pay them.

Still fucking gross, bro-ette. Be better.

Sadly, the world is still run by cis het white males. Many times in VC, just like the deer twitch staff, I have to keep raising my voice to say there are too many cis white male voices. I am doing my best to recruit black men.

Sadly, the world is still run by cis het white males

Ni shi bu shi zhong guo ren? Mei guo ren baizuo. BLM all the way. More black Americans in tech will make AI lit af.

Did some popular foid Youtuber put out a PSA to tell women to start saying they're asexual online to get moids to stop bothering them?

I've been seeing a lot of e-girls saying it lately.

Idk, it’s probably some oppression olympics strat


Tfw when no asexual gf

Lesbians are so hot. Mucho givee boner.

Stop objectifying us sweaty! we are not for your consumption 😒

I'm middle eastern, I consume whoever the fuck I please

Even a cat can look at a king

I don’t watch female YouTubers. My favorite one right now is It’s A Gundam.

Good choice he's hilarious

then why do you have the german colours and the word zwei?

The subreddit was made my Germans

Why shouldn't there be Indian, Asian or black germans? Nationality doesn't equal to ethnicity, racist.

Because a seething Brezel created it and another Brezel did the CSS. (For free)

We minorities overthrew the evil krauts and took over.

Very based

Your sub has been reported directly to admin with dozens of examples of racist and bigoted comments that you have refused to address in your sub even after they were reported to you - all of which still remain active. Your sub is now under consideration for a complete ban. You dun fucked up.

Your account has been reported directly to admin with dozens of examples of cringe and unfunny comments that you have refused to address even after they were reported to you - all of which still remain active. Your account is now under consideration for a complete ban and submission to my cringe compilation. You dun fucked up.

Just got a message back from Admin that this sub is under review. Just submitted your trolling comment as more evidence of how shitty and awful the people in this sub are. Your account just got the attention of Admin. Nice work!

Just got a message back from Cringe Department that this post is under review. Just submitted your cringe comment as more evidence of how peepee and poopoo the people of reddit are. Your account just got the attention of Cringe Department. Nice work!


Your sneed has been reported directly to sneedposters with dozens of examples of sneedist and sneeded comments that you have refused to sneed in your sneed even after they were sneeded to you - all of which still remain sneed. Your sneed is now under sneed for a complete sneed. You dun sneeded up.


These nuts have been reported directly to your chin.


The fact that some greasy neckbeard typed this out and felt smug about it gives me a brain aneurysm.

Cool story bro.

This sub is under review as per Reddit Admin.

Call me whatever names you want. Don't change that fact. Just makes you look like a child.



wait, Meow claimed to have a boyfriend. Am I OOTL?

Asexuals cannot have bfs? Brah, you sound bigoted right now.

No latino in the team, the subreddit is obviously alt right propaganda

I don't keep track of leddit lore but ain't Meow HIL? If so pls demod that asian boy.

Fully ignoring the age of this sub and our enthusiastic support of black people.

It's like they didn't even read the sticky posts.

This is a safe space for minorities, smh - ignoring myself a out and proud lesbian of colour 😒 idk what deuxrama is :/

Deuxrama was a hate sub. It was trying to say that drama was a binary, when all sociologists agree that it is a spectrum...

and we are all on it.

So, they just overlooked a diversity hire like me? Damn.

I’m literally shaking. I had no clue I was participating in white supremacy.

Here’s our Hispanic representation!

Sup fool

If this sub has no white people in it (and we ban all whites from joining), wouldn't it be physically impossible for the sub to ever be racists, and thus ban-proof?

No white people

God, I wish 😔

Let your dreamz be kweenz.

Browsed there a bit. Saw loads of mentions of N words for black people, S words for Latinos and other racial slurs and prejuducy. But that seems to be okay because the mods are gay (they always are), are from India (as if there is no racism there towards others) and an Asian (of course, racism doesn't happen there either).

Yikes sweaty, only whites can be racist, I see the white privilege speaking from you, educate yourself, your comment is very problematic, so please apologize to the Indian and Asian community for generalizing them, and donate to an Indian and Asian charity of your choosing.

They forgot to mention me, it’s like they don’t even read the stickies 😭😭😭

This is black erasure, one of the worst types of racism. They are so racist they don't even acknowlege your existence. I'm so grossed out by those white supremacists on AHS.

This is black erasure

I used to have one of those. They were more expensive then the pink ones, and they kinda just smudged the graphite around. Never really figured out what they were good for.

Lmao they're saying I'm from India, no hun I'm a asian (aka Indian) bong 💅

Your "people" are "from" India and that's what counts

Reported the sub directly to admin for a ban. It is now under review. I encourage others to directly report the sub to Admin as well. Provide examples.

I wonder how much they're being paid to do this 🤔


Lower-castecels out

Do they think they’re finally going to get their first janny check if they do this enough?

Can't be anti-Semitic either if the Jew king is here 💪

Don’t downvote the lolcow


And That's A Good Thing

Deuxrama? Lmao just spell drama right, dumb chapoid



How is this good for Bitcoin?

is that like deus ex? this isn't a gamer sub!

of course it's that person. that faggots post history is full of soy

One of his comments was him saying that r/dosrama is "on its way to becoming a fascist shithole" like dang bro, "shithole" sounds pretty hateful to me, idk

i seem to recall this exact timeline happening to another sub

Yikers bikers!


The modlist here is waaaay better than deux. Except marx
