what the fuck?
1 2020-08-06 by heirloomwife
the new inceltear (brazilian still posting their ofc) is as sad as usual, but this comment was particularly ... wtf
and his reply.....
2 specialdialingwand1 2020-08-06
ha, based on this caricature of incels that i've created, incels are such fucking caricatures
1 heirloomwife 2020-08-06
what the fuck lmao
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-06
Fam i'm 12 years old, and still smarter than you, and i'm from Bangladesh and live in England. I've been brought up in London for all my life and ive only been in Bangladesh on holidays. overall i've spent around 15 weeks there. i learned about Nazis a year ago and i'm all against them. There's also a game called Call Of Duty World War 2 where you go AGAINST the Nazis and fight in the American army. do you think i'm stupid and old enough (I'm 12 to remind you) to be a Nazi? You people are so jarring and you don't understand the impact of games and what they mean. I've always hated Nazis. why would you think a 12 year old gamer is a Nazi, you stupid bitch? Most of my life, I have spent gaming. This is not wasting my life and i play for fun. I am a Muslim and pray every day. I PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY AND YOU TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE AND HOW TO PRAY TO A DIFFERENT RELIGION YOU RACIST CUNT!?
what the fuck? - archive.org, archive.today
https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/... - archive.org, archive.today
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1 Npc5284747 2020-08-06
Lmao, is that from bvg?
1 based_and_tedpilled 2020-08-06
The upsetting part is she considers the girl in the comic "chubby, not fat"
the American standards of fitness and it's consequences were a disaster for mankind
1 -ColonelMortimer- 2020-08-06
Reminds me of that meme about "in 20 years, you'd want to tap that"
1 heirloomwife 2020-08-06
https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/i48c5m/every_post_is_horrible_in_this_sub_but_this_one/g0gmgvs/ indescribably retarded
1 based_and_tedpilled 2020-08-06
they really want to be eternal children
Imagine a fat, late 20's, man/woman/reddit*r sleeping with a cartoon blanket and playing with Hotwheels
absolutely Haram, may Allah strike them all down
1 hugemongus123 2020-08-06
jesus, not only are IT fat, ugly and unsociable, they cant even grasp the meaning out of a straight forward cartoon. No wonder they still cling on to cartoons, everything else would go over their head.
1 jkkaaw 2020-08-06
We need a fat tax
2 anuddahuna 2020-08-06
Build a manlet pit but for fatties
Starve them until they're light enough to get out
1 Data_Destroyer 2020-08-06
We really do. If only to get more money to the government.
I thought New York banning large sodas was pretty based despite it being a nanny government move.
1 WumboBob123 2020-08-06
Cringe why does the government need to nanny fat fucks just let them be eternal consumers then fucking die of obesity its a win win.
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-08-06
I dare anyone to convince me this is not what she's fantasizing about all day every day regardless of incels.
Something tells me she's not really a stranger to that concept.
1 AOC_Gynecologist 2020-08-06
I've porked a landwhale in the past, trust me, it's not worth it.
1 Npc5284747 2020-08-06
Why 🤢🤢🤢
1 pepintehhunchback 2020-08-06
dead roastie = life fuel
1 FinitePerception 2020-08-06
Jesus Christ. From the second top reply: https://imgur.com/G6YrHDX
That's ONLY submissions from the last 3 months, no comments. What is missing from someones life to become this obsessed?
2 Npc5284747 2020-08-06
Damn, rent-free lol
1 pepintehhunchback 2020-08-06
>when you put your real picture as your reddit profile picture
1 Angrygrape1337Reborn 2020-08-06
Enjoy some more insanity.
This woman is a fucking trainwreck.
Bonus: Fresh pasta oui oui.
1 Npc5284747 2020-08-06
Damn, so much text
1 Npc5284747 2020-08-06
Damn, that shit is sad lol. Borderline psychotic obsession
1 Speedvolt2 2020-08-06
Overweight looking foid (going by the face) claims to be emanciated at current weight of 130
1 Vandrewver 2020-08-06
Literally on the border of overweight at bare minimum weight but she doesn't dare lose a pound under 130. They just make it so fucking easy.
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-08-06
Zweicel seethe 🍿
take the blackpill boys 😎