At the risk of rightoid posting plenty of drama comes from this bot/sub

1  2020-08-11 by 60061655019


this unironically is better for finding drama than millions of SRDines+dramacels

been subbed for a bit its pretty fun. seen myself a few times as well

Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.


  1. At the risk of rightoid posting ple... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

its pretty boring

I thought they site-wide banned the word nigger a few weeks ago ngl, good to see business is still booming 😎