There's a difference between talking about the effects of somebody's actions and talking about their character and motives. Obviously, Trump's actions have (thus far) had less bad effects than Hitler's. But what the original poster was saying, and what I think is hard to dispute, is that Hitler was a better man than Trump.
1 MacAndShits 2020-08-11
6 Theparadingkitten 2020-08-11
doesn’t even know how to pronounce zwei
1 strasser_reborn 2020-08-11
Deutsche sprache, schwere sprache.
1 FinitePerception 2020-08-11
5 I-HeartKpopGrills 2020-08-11
The utter state of
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-11
There's a difference between talking about the effects of somebody's actions and talking about their character and motives. Obviously, Trump's actions have (thus far) had less bad effects than Hitler's. But what the original poster was saying, and what I think is hard to dispute, is that Hitler was a better man than Trump.
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1 sh1tpo5ta 2020-08-11
didnt ask didnt read