Please stop violating reddit rules, making an account when you are 12. Also, please stop using the word retarded as a slur, you're just convincing me more and more that you're a Nazi.
Nobody thinks jews are subhuman, they’re smart as fuck
Those dudes are more about just removing jews from positions of power because they think they’re ripping this country apart through media and immigration laws
Lol that's bull. Antisemitism always portrays Jews as superhumanly intelligent and conniving but also impure or wicked, that's the only subhuman aspect of it. The main gripe according to Nazis was that they were so smart that they controlled all of society despite being a minority and cucked native Germans. And they suffered the consequences for disobeying JewChad physics. Hitler already felt retarded in the face of Wittgenstein's Ashkenazi highIQ autism during middle school.
In a way they do
The guy in the middle thinks that everyone is equal and has limitless potential but left and right acknowledge that some people are better than others
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-13
Please stop violating reddit rules, making an account when you are 12. Also, please stop using the word retarded as a slur, you're just convincing me more and more that you're a Nazi.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
Cringe seethe cope dilate have sex not wholesome nor 100
1 butthole_macgee 2020-08-13
Unfathomably based
1 dmskoy88 2020-08-13
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
1 fuckfuckfuckfuckflck 2020-08-13
Nobody thinks jews are subhuman, they’re smart as fuck
Those dudes are more about just removing jews from positions of power because they think they’re ripping this country apart through media and immigration laws
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
Nazis (the 1930's ones) called jews subhuman
1 Dingus_Kahn 2020-08-13
Lol hitler’s biggest cope
2 chapokiller1911 2020-08-13
"Yeah that group of people that churned out some of the greatest scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers to ever live? Subhumans."
1 heirloomwife 2020-08-13
mmmm i love science! mass produced efficient funkos and UNwholesome rivers and animals destroyed!
1 Bruh_hhh 2020-08-13
Lol that's bull. Antisemitism always portrays Jews as superhumanly intelligent and conniving but also impure or wicked, that's the only subhuman aspect of it. The main gripe according to Nazis was that they were so smart that they controlled all of society despite being a minority and cucked native Germans. And they suffered the consequences for disobeying JewChad physics. Hitler already felt retarded in the face of Wittgenstein's Ashkenazi highIQ autism during middle school.
1 banevader90000 2020-08-13
We are pretending to be retarded
1 donpendejo 2020-08-13
Where is the lie though?
1 Stransserite 2020-08-13
didn't read
1 DaddyCluck 2020-08-13
1 Bruh_hhh 2020-08-13
Damn so the solution is just to become a Jew Supremacist? Woke
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
1 MrGoodieMob 2020-08-13
based and fash bashing pilled
1 godsrmay 2020-08-13
Lmfao the rightoid subhumans actually got mad
1 ThatGaymer 2020-08-13
Me on the left
2 edaurien 2020-08-13
Me on the far right
1 DirtierChris 2020-08-13
Arent the left and right images supposed to make the same point in this meme format?
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
In a way they do The guy in the middle thinks that everyone is equal and has limitless potential but left and right acknowledge that some people are better than others
1 DirtierChris 2020-08-13
Then shouldn't this meme have a Jewish nationalist on the right?
1 edaurien 2020-08-13
Read a book sweaty 💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿
1 I-HeartKpopGrills 2020-08-13
Found the (((mde)))