Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.
They're just splitting hairs there lol - is capitalism a political position or do pro-capitalist policies merely facilitate and enforce capitalism??
However I think the others are being slightly more reasonable there since they recognize that Hitler and the glorious NSDAP were political idealists and not just psycho killers looking for excuses - although some of the enforcers they employed were.
4 AOCOnlyFans 2020-08-15
TAke a look, y'all: zhcyiD9.jpg
3 Kellere31 2020-08-15
Thats the AHS zecke that got drama cucked!
1 BasedDeptMGMT- 2020-08-15
Barf holds a lot of the power. Her power level is great
4 BroughtToYouBySprite 2020-08-15
This is your brain on reddit jannie nonsense lol.
3 godsrmay 2020-08-15
A tranner trying to redefine words? Haven't seen that before
2 Lehk 2020-08-15
Xie independently rediscovered horseshoe theory
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-15
Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.
lardbinn questions dogma, gets down... -,
/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/i... -,
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1 GenderBenderBitch 2020-08-15
omg they were all flaired auth-center
1 Crooked_______Kentuc 2020-08-15
They're just splitting hairs there lol - is capitalism a political position or do pro-capitalist policies merely facilitate and enforce capitalism??
However I think the others are being slightly more reasonable there since they recognize that Hitler and the glorious NSDAP were political idealists and not just psycho killers looking for excuses - although some of the enforcers they employed were.
That's my current understanding of it anyway.
1 forseti911 2020-08-15
Uh oh, you mentioned tardf*nn OP, now this place is gonna disappear in a day or 2.