Stupidpol convinced that the issue in Belarus is actually not enough communism

1  2020-08-15 by i_h_s_o_y


It's about whether the core principles, values, and material ends of socialism are preserved. If the rulers deviate from it, then revolution against the leadership is justified. If the people deviate from it, then the leadership cracking down is justified.

Lol you can't make that up. They can't resist their tendencies.

They'll have to accept Tzar Putin as their new vodzh. What did they expect naming themselves White Russia? 🤔

uh do we Zweichads like stupidpol

It depends if you’re a West Zweichad or an East Zweichad


Your account has been reported directly to admin with dozens of examples of cringe and unfunny comments that you have refused to address even after they were reported to you - all of which still remain active. Your account is now under consideration for a complete ban and submission to my cringe compilation. You dun fucked up.


  1. Stupidpol convinced that the issue ... -,*

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