
1  2020-08-15 by reptilia987


Okay yeah the psychological addiction of amphetamine isn't anything to scoff at, but going on and off that shit is child's play. Cold turkey after a heavy dex binge is no worse than sleeping 12-16 hours for a few days.

Benzos on the otherhand are so physically addictive that going off of them can cause you to tear your skin off and seize to death. Also, in my humble opinion, their recreational value is mediocre at best.

I was on adhd meds for 9 years. Going off them made me a bit sleepy and unfocused for like two days. Then I was fine.

I used benzos for quite awhile. It wasnā€™t hard to quit, just donā€™t immediately stop. Lower dosage slowly.and youā€™re okay. Taking benzos recreationally is fucking stupid. All they do is decrease heart rate and make you more relaxed. There are dozens of drugs that do the same thing and are far less addictive. Only a junkie would even consider abusing them.

Imagine being addicted and finally deciding to quit, succeeding, then dropping dead.

They deserve it. I took it for prescription, anybody that takes it recreationally deserves the consequence.

Me too. I noticed absolutely no withdrawal symptoms, just tapered really slowly.

I am as calm as someone with a cactus up their ass if Iā€™m not taking care of myself mentally or physically (working out, eating right, etc) so I really liked this lorazepam I got ahold of one time. Fortunately I donā€™t get addicted to things, because that shit was amazing and made me feel like the sky wasnā€™t falling for once. That being said itā€™s much better to do the leg work to reduce anxiety and be better mentally. Quitting caffeine solved 50% of the problem.

I'll never forget the look of pure rage on my dad's face when he asked to see the Adderall bottle and I told him it was all gone - 4 days after getting it from the pharmacy.

What he didn't understand was how much stuff I got done over those four days. You can't put a price tag on productivity.

Damn bro I bet you squeezed an entire month's worth of masturbation into those 4 days.

Very proud of u.

He only came twice though.

How crusty did it make your nose?

Donā€™t forget the potheads who canā€™t close the door to their refrigerators without weed because of their anxiety šŸ¦Ÿ

Of course you can! Just wear a button that says "I'm a ginger, not a racist!" and maybe a cute etsy

anthropomorphized stick of gum that says "Big Red", you definitely need a rainbow button, because rainbows (duh)! And maybe hand out business cards that read "Roses are red, Italians say grazie, just because I wear red suspenders, doesn't mean I'm a nazi!" And I don't know if you're male or female (it really doesn't matter) where you wear your red scrunchie, as long as you as the one holding it! Ala . Winona Ryder in Heathers! Remember kids, Teenage suicide, don't do It!

Look in all of those random thoughts above, I'm trying to say don't let those fuckers take anything from you! Unless your thing is white sheets, swastikas, oh and the most important part, that you're also a complete and total vile stain on humanity, you're probably going to be okay!

Buck up little camper!




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I pick up Montgomeryā€™s card and actually finger it, for the sensation the card gives off to the pads of my fingers.

ā€œNice, huh?ā€ Priceā€™s tone suggests he realizes Iā€™m jealous.

ā€œYeah,ā€ I say offhandedly, giving Price the card like I donā€™t give a shit, but Iā€™m finding it hard to swallow.

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Patrick Bateman definitely used stims

I'm pleading with you to take this quote off of snappy, it's the worst thing I've ever read.

Only 2 drugs that can kill you after detoxing is alcohol and benzos... benzos are bad news folks.

3 B's

Booze, Benzos, and Barbiturates

I unironically need my benzos idgaf its either that or never leave the house and cry everyday. Not all of us are Eminem abusing them lol theyre genuine medicine

Ebic normalisation of addiction.