Menslib user btfo by Jenna Jamison

1  2020-08-16 by BasedDeptMGMT-


Next time just link to this shit. The next retard that image posts from Twitter gets a ban.

I wasn’t trying to make the jannies seethe, that’s why flaired

not trying to make jannies seethe

what are you, gay?

A little. Who wants to know 😘

Yeah baby, top or bottom?

Power bottom

Holy shit btfo

/r/BanVideoGames support growing stronger every day. o7

I have never seen something this based my god

I will now forever simp for this dried up pornstar

Continuing on my explanation of white people fucking animals:

"White people" here can refer to any Caucasian person or any other person of another ethnicity that behaves in the same colonial mannerisms, this is why we switched to saying colonist or settler because it more accurately describes the type of cross-ethnicity insantiy that is the concept of "white supremacy". So many indigenous people have been indoctrinated into this system over the last few hundred years that its very difficult to seperate out some people from this (like me)


  1. Menslib user btfo by Jenna Jamison -,

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Isn't that bitch a pornstar

There's literally nothing wrong with ethical alt-right approved porn.

Yeah, pretty sure she's anti-vax or some retarded shit.

Antivax is a libturd talking point

lmao the mugshot looks like Molyneux