Trump's brother that nobody knew existed dies, redditors cum in their pants and celebrate

1  2020-08-16 by gigguguuguuga


Imagine spending money to celebrate the death of someone you didn't even know existed, just because you don't like their brother.

Trump really is the richest man in the world, because he lives rent free in the mind of millions.

Imagine thinking an orange elitist is going to improve your average life.

But muh 1k covid deaths so its ok to celebrate.

Imagine blaming Drumpf for the covid death while cumming whenever you see protestors posts

My mother's life is being threatened by the american government and im fuxking done caring about anyone elses opinions about the truth.


  1. Trump's brother that nobody knew ex... -,

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Wrong one!!! Wahhhh

Oh lord the smug posting it’s out of control 🤤🤤🤤


at least the mods are beehive-pilled

Non southerners should not say y'all.