The pakistani jannies of /r/India celebrate independence day

1  2020-08-16 by BunnyLovr


No, we Hindus never had any problem with murdering Muslims and people who eat beef in angry mobs. But even if we did, why are you always focusing on us, why don't you ever talk about the Muslims down the street?

No we never gangraped any woman then burned her alive afterwards, but even if we did why are you so worried about us? What about Pakistan? Those are the actual bad Muslims you are thinking about.

Yes we have terrorism in Pakistan but we are also the victims, we couldn't find any evidence on Hafiz Saeed and we didn't know where he was(despite being in the newspaper), anyways why are you racists always making things up about this? Do you know what the Hindus in India are doing?

Yes I did make that post on facebook about gangraping beef eaters to death, but what about those Muslims over there...

99% of what you need to know about South Asia.

The archive site isn’t working for me, are those actual quotes?

No, this is the conversation you are likely to hold with any Indian or Pakistani on the internet where they are free to say whatever they want anonymously. They are more than eager to lie about things both of you know are true, and will dance like monkeys and move the goalpost 20 different times if you make them.

Epic spergout, bro


  1. The pakistani jannies of /r/India c... -,

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