Worldnews hates the Imperial metric system

1  2020-08-18 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


How can a rocket engineer be so fucking retarded that they are able to get a job at NASA but can’t do dimensional analysis properly

Never began for metric-cels

This europoor is still coping. After admitting default he's deflected to a new claim that the US hasn't accomplished anything since the moon landing. Pathetic.

As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Today, It’s always right vs left, but Islam is “Wassatiyya”, or “Of the Moderate”/“moderate”, and we both know there is degeneracy and evil on both sides.

On the left you have normalization of Sodomy: all this trans gender whatever it may be, communism, atheism, abortion, women’s promiscuousness disguised as freedom, racism, totalitarianism, prejudice, drug use, pedophilia and other anti-Islamic ideologies.

On the right you have Conservatism: especially fiscally (screw everyone, no charity, only worry about myself), Ultra Nationalism, Right Totalitarianism, fascism, racism, prejudice, etc.

I know I’m not a perfect person, and far from a perfect Muslim. But each and every single day living in the US I see more and more things that sicken me, or make me want to move. And I just think about Islam, and how Islam cures these issues (that are disguised as “Freedoms”), not only on the Governmental/Political level, but also the societal, familial, and personal level. In the heart.

I’ve done a lot of bad things, and haven’t been the best person, but today is Friday, and a new day.

Whenever you see something horrible on the news, remember Islam is spreading like wildfire because it is the ONLY WAY. It is impossible to live any other way and be happy.

“Verily Allah will not change a nation until the people change what is within their Hearts.”


  1. Worldnews hates the Imperial metric... -,

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youre autistic

First on the moon


The metric system got to the moon.

The imperial system blew up a rocket.

No one cares moonlet

Im not the last to slap my nuts in your face

People forget that the imperial system is not American, it's British.

The brits use "stone" for weight measurement.

Pyramids are made of stone.

They use pyramids for weighing.

They are not of earth, brits came from the moon.

We only use stone for human weight, everything else we use imperial really

How many inches does your house weigh?

Friendly reminder that hodor is a mutt that unironically seethes whenever someone says anything bad about burgerland

Haha no I don’t get mad at all when ignorant Europoors trash the only country to win MVP in two world wars

Holy based

Get his ass king

Goddamn you're retarded

First on the moon ;)

First to lose to Vietnamese farmers

Why are you so mad that the US was the first on the moon?

Actually second, France was first