AHS discusses how it’s ok if they organize cp posting raids offsite, since a random user on PCMs brought up something similar minus the cp

1  2020-08-20 by BasedDeptMGMT-


"Yeah it used to lean lib left pretty heavily. But anywhere that tolerates some nazis will eventually become the place nazis go, until finally it's just a bunch of nazis."

Change "nazis" to one of these words and the same statement is true:

  • "commies"

  • "MDEcels"

  • "chapos"

  • "trans women"

The ultimate horseshoe

Fart bin likes to play with the truth and denied AHS planned anything in discord which was technically true because AHS didn't have discord.

What was true was AHS users using discord from contrapoints which is controlled by fart bin were planning ways to take down subreddits.

But reddit loves them some SPLC trannies, so the admins did nothing even though they were clearly aware of everything that transpired.

Fuck those who refuse to play in good faith.

I actually dmed the whistle blower before they deleted their account, and they were 100% legit imo. Barf feels justified in doing things in the name of ‘tolerance’. At the end of the day I love her and her efforts bc it’s excellent drama

Shes a troon right? There’s no way a regular woman would care so much about reddit


Only guys can be so autistic to waste their time like that

Yup it was a trans woman.


Wow I don't even care but r/polcompball is very unfunny

Imagine making this thread.


  1. AHS discusses how it’s ok if they o... - archive.org, archive.today

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