Zoomer gets told to mow the lawn, concludes that existence is pain and procreation was a mistake

1  2020-08-22 by godsrmay


Having to mow the lawn and losing the access to Tiktok, we can already consider zoomers a lost generation.

How will the ever suffer the burden of once a week going outside for >30 minutes to mow the lawn? Respect for these people who bear such heavy burdens.

lawnmowing is fucking retarded though. nice wildflowers and grass looks way better than gayfrogs-herbicide-maintained-nonnative grass


I feel the same way about chores. I mean if I lived on my own I'd be doing them for me, which would be nice, because I like having a clean and organized living space, but now I'm doing them for my sisters and parents as well? Just because I recently turned eighteen, it's either that or pay rent? I didn't ask to be born, so why should I have to pay you back for my existence? It's an implied unilateral contact, which is illegal in any other context.

This is why we need more abortions

Late-term abortions. Like, 20 years after birth. They're just clumps of cells anyway.

They still require their mothers to exist. They are still a parasite to the host.

My man can't handle the idea of doing chores to help other people, but you know damn well he supports politicians who want to raise taxes.

And loves socialism

fun fact: in most socialist countries its a crime to not work and you go to jail if you refuse to get a job

The most worrying thing about the whole post is that at 18 years old he is still not able to see the value in helping someone for no reward

I mean, helping with no reward is cuckery. He's very much getting benefits from doing chores.

Helping with no reward isn’t cuckery it’s just being a decent person and a functioning member of society.

being a decent person and a functioning member of society

No thanks

A functioning member of society is rewarded for being such with job opportunities, good will, friendships/networking, and similar intangible but very much extant benefits. You know what we call people who help with no rewards and receive none of those? Slaves.

Are u fucking retareded?

no u

Yes, but don't distract from the main point

The main point is that social credit is earned by doing volunteer work, whether it be chores to earn credit from your family or helping out in a soup kitchen to earn credit from a church or whatever. Said credit can be cashed in for metaphorical tendies. Is that wrong?

Too many words so yes

Also nobody with a messy house when they live with others becomes less messy when they live on their own.

Typical "when I'm an adult" BS said by a 20 year old lol

consider that theres a chance the future einstein who was going to figure out FTL travel got aborted, but this lil' bitch didnt

Good morning I hate zoomers

Bye, king 😔😭

"The grass just exists to be cut" I don't know why but this made me really think.

Wait until the school year starts and his teacher makes him read Camus. That kid is going to start smoking cigarettes and banging the theater department.


a future 40yo virgin most likely

Had this thought on lsd the other week.

The common notion that it is to show off to your neighbors is not primary. It's actually a courtesy to your neighbors. It's a collectivist effort to improve the appeal of your neighborhood.

We dont have the social cohesion we used to so its lost on the new generation.

Also, tall grass is really annoying for the male carrier to walk through, so it's a courtesy to them as well.

And, no, I did not misspell "mail". The stupid PC term "mail carrier" doesn't have enough man in it, so I made my own version. Take that, SJWs.

Why would a mail carrier be walking through the grass

That makes sense, it's gone from "here's a courtesy everyone can appreciate" to "fuck them for judging me for this"

The latter is partially valid (nobody likes a nosey neighbour) but definitely won't make you any friends.

mowed lawns look like shit though compared to nice land with wildflowers

It’s funny how the zoomers who most support socialism and communism are also the least willing to put in any effort to benefit others

Zoomers never return the shipping cart.

they would get fucked under actual communism where its all about serving the collective and you have to do what the state needs not what you want

"liberal arts? enough of those, we need more hands at the shoe factory, off you go"

the only ones that got special treatment besides the party nobility were the ones who could actually get shit done like engineers and scientists

the fat demisexual chick who sells shit on etsy is getting a one-way ticket to the nickel mines

Just become an hero already

They should all march into oblivion. I can't imagine having so little self-respect or drive to do anything

when I was baby, my existence alone was enough to justify free resources. Now my value as a person is instrumental because I can actually do things.

What? Just because I survive off the productivity of others, you want me to be productive as well? What is this? Civilization?

Why do we have a lawn at all?

The question is correct. I don't understand why Americans boomers are so obsessed with their anonymous lawn in their anonymous house built into an anonymous back street in Suburbia.

Just buy some chickens, plant a garden and grow your own food to provide for your family

They're a huge waste in arid temperatures.

Moss lawns are the future

the future is not mowing and buying a chicken or neighborhood goat

neighbourhood goat

This isn't Pakistan. I'll just buy a flashlight

I understand wanting some nature, but most lawns are sterile, non-native resource sinks. If you want some nature by your patio, plant local pollinators.

Wtf else am I going to mow loudly at 8 AM on a Sunday, doofus?

That's every teenager ever, including you and me.

people think Zoomers will be redpilled and lead a revolution

Zoomers are even worse than millenials.

cant believe they out-douche us

I don't use the word "victim" very often, but this poor soul is the biggest victim in American history.

Is it me or has this sub found even better material than the original drama, lately?

Frequency of posts is fewer though

/r/antinatalism was posted all the time to /r/drama, it was low-hanging fruit.

I remember that phase

Killing god was fun but it really fucked us up.

I said in the recent post about r/Boston complaining about Trump that sometimes I’m ashamed of my city, sometimes I’m also ashamed of my generation. I mow the lawn whenever my dad asks. It’s not that hard lol.

"Son can you please mow the grass?"

"I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."

"Ok, just be careful of rocks. Don't wanna have to replace the mower blade again."

Zoomerism is a mental illness

Literal children complain about chores.

we should've skipped the zoomer generation

my existence alone was enough to justify free resources.

TBH that's why I have a kid. I want someone to take care of me when I retire in my late 40s.

based, make the little rascal pay

I’ve been browsing that sub for like 20 minutes and holy crap they are a sad bunch. All of the top posts are about how hard life is, and there are also a surprising amount of pro - suicide posts as well. It’s pretty obvious they all have really horrible relationships with their parents. Makes me feel lucky that my parents love me so much.

dont want to step into that cesspit, how bad are we talking about here?

Holy shit those people on that sub are on some real ass mental gymnastics

This is what all doomer meme posters are like.

If your son doesn't enjoy mowing the lawn, you've failed as a father.