/r/AgainstHateSubreddits schizoposts about /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

1  2020-08-23 by THE_WHITE_QUESTION


without the ability to ban a person, not an account, all this fight against their stupidity is just a zero sum game.

They need to go, permanently.

"banning them doesnt do anything... also we need to get them banned!" lmao the absolute lack of self awareness of AHScels is always astonishing

a crackdown on alt accounts will require a significant human element, who'll need to be paid.

so youre saying that people expect payment for cleaning it up? they dont just do it for free?


When you kill nigs

Lmao Bottom Text

Damn, just scrolling down was too much for my attention span.

Who the fuck gives 89 sources on "this subreddit did a no no thingy"...

Mental ilness is the norm on ahs

Not even exaggerating: I think this post took more than a whole day. It is a week assignment. lmao

I just wanted to grill not read words ffs

The creation of language and it's consequences have been a disaster for the doschad zweicel community

literacy is for losers they even both start with L looooooool

This but unironically

Nice zweichad thinking, sonny

Who spends that much time and effort trying to get an online meme forum banned? Holy fuck those people are sad lmao

They obsess heavily over a random "hate" subreddit and ignore the fact that there is worse shit over the internet lmfao

They post borderline CP to a sub to get it banned, so that says a lot about where their priorities are.

Even if you ignore that, there's a lot of stuff they said that is downright stupid and idiotic

oh yeah, fun story. Had an alt account that followed PCM. Then shitposted on AHS regardless of my affiliation to PCM. They banned me, telling me I was a PCM brigader. They don't give a shit if you actually brigade. They just see you following that certain sub and then assume. Textbook schizos.

What happened to the other thread

The jannies of this subreddit (which I will remind you are volunteers and are paid a wage of $0.00 per hour) removed this post without my consent. Censorship and AHScels go hand in hand so hopefully we don’t have one of those on the jannie team.

I didn't read a single word of that post...

np link 🤢

Not a mental illness btw

I don't think you understand this community. You're going to get fucked over, real hard. Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed, you name it. I guess that's what you wanted though, because you never had attention from your parents so you look for it online. Besides, her bussy was taken down twice already before, and it always comes back.


  1. /r/AgainstHateSubreddits schizopost... - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Certainly there has to be some sort compensation for this kind of schizoposting, unless?

Yes, a disability check.

pls no it's the only sub I like, and it's not even that good.

This is why Baker Acting is a thing

Wow they put a lot of effort into making that post, how much were they compensated for their hard work?

AHS coming after the seriousposter menace 🤝

I can't believe my eyes, an even bigger seethe-and-cope than anything fartbin could ever dream up.

PCM also believes in any and all ludicrous conspiracy theories created by other toxic hate groups that certain "left wing" subs-without-nazis get away with murder brigading, and they constantly demand that Reddit take action against against these heinous breaches of the Terms of Service. On it's own this is immensely hypocritical of these FREEZE PEACH Warriors who often also argue that Reddit doesn't have the right to create and enforce their own TOS. So PCM's constant harassment brigades aren't just an example of their gross hypocrisy and extreme dishonesty, but it is also an example of how hate groups project. Hate groups will literally accuse others of the very things that they are guilty of!

This is BEGGING to become copy-pasta or a Snappy quote.

C'mon, own up ... which one of you is secretly u/SJW?

Actually, no, please don't own up. I want to sit back in the shadows and watch this shitshow unfold. Thank you for your service, you delightful asshole.

That screed reads way too perfectly like someone who is so terminally online that they've lost the ability to communicate without smugisms.

Even if he's taking the piss, there are real people that 110% agree, and statistically some of them are outside of the 12-25yo demographic. Really jogs the noggin.

Can you even imagine writing all that?



Lol get a job

Everyone that comments in linked threads gets banned.


hate groups are almost constantly raiding us to attempt to troll and abuse us

PCM also believes in any and all ludicrous conspiracy theories created by other toxic hate groups that certain "left wing" subs-without-nazis get away with murder brigading, and they constantly demand that Reddit take action against against these heinous breaches of the Terms of Service.

This is some real r/selfawarewolves material. Because WRD falsely accuses AHS of brigading all the time to smear us

"We are constantly harassed by people coming to our subreddit and saying mean words to us. Also, it's a crackpot theory that we go and post rule breaking content on subs we don't like, but here's 5 pages of heavily extrapolated evidence that sub users are doing it to us."

Who are the selfaware wolves, again?

I feel honored to be in a AHS rant post.

Do I get a gold star?

Someone got into the adderal instead of their scitzo meds


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