Debtcels debate whether it was real communism.

1  2020-08-24 by KissingerFanBoy


I'm a straight guy who used to be friends with people like this. I know exactly what you're talking about. They killed my self-esteem for months. Cutting them out was one of the best desicions I've ever made.


  1. Debtcels debate whether it was real... -,

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i cant read this dyslexic spanish shit. speak american next time. reported to gestapo 😡

Press the translate button.


Pretty cringe for a member of a German subreddit to not be accommodating of an official EU language.

accommodating the rentoids of the EU is sacrifice enough

Considering you're giving the Greeks money they're never going to pay back, I'd say you're the rentoid.

We're just ensuring the flow of Turks is regulated by an economic "ally"