/r/PublicFreakout found a video of the teen shooter who killed those losers in Wisconsin but this time he’s punching a girl 👧

1  2020-08-30 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


I gotta hand it to this guy.

This fatty has managed to cause arguments in my family - both close and extended - more heated and likely to end in several disownings than any alt-right mosque or school shooters ever have and ever will.

All of this despite the fact I don't even live in the same hemisphere of the globe as him.

Wait which country are you from that your family are retarded like that? I openly make edgy jokes with my family members and they're alright with it lmao. Who gives a shit about amerilards?

You do apparently. You’re giving our country your data while commenting our opinions on our news.

Whoa wait a minute. I thought someone’s past behavior don’t factor into any current predicament?

Lol they're trying to use that as some sort of gotcha. Like "rightoids said floyd deserved it because of his criminal history well look at this kids criminal history" but they're using this as proof of...idk, that he should have let the mob lynch him? Like they're doing exactly what they accused rightoids of doing lol

“Nooooo you don’t understand if I point out the rightoid’s hypocrisy I can do it as much as I want myself”


Careful, don’t say that or you might get cancelled

other white males

🥱 nice try agendaposter

Yeah dudes a border hopping mexicunt, plus he only ended up killing white males anyway (and they were pedos)

This has to be tough for reddit, they love videos of women being punched

On the other hand he killed a pedo so they feel threatened

Should've "dealt" with her too

NTA sweaty equal rights equal lefts play stupid games win stupid prizes

This brings up an important philosophical question. Is it okay to hit a girl if you're so weak that she doesn't seem to notice? 🤔

How is this any different from when Fox News shows photos from a dead black guys facebook and say he's a thug?

As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Today, It’s always right vs left, but Islam is “Wassatiyya”, or “Of the Moderate”/“moderate”, and we both know there is degeneracy and evil on both sides.

On the left you have normalization of Sodomy: all this trans gender whatever it may be, communism, atheism, abortion, women’s promiscuousness disguised as freedom, racism, totalitarianism, prejudice, drug use, pedophilia and other anti-Islamic ideologies.

On the right you have Conservatism: especially fiscally (screw everyone, no charity, only worry about myself), Ultra Nationalism, Right Totalitarianism, fascism, racism, prejudice, etc.

I know I’m not a perfect person, and far from a perfect Muslim. But each and every single day living in the US I see more and more things that sicken me, or make me want to move. And I just think about Islam, and how Islam cures these issues (that are disguised as “Freedoms”), not only on the Governmental/Political level, but also the societal, familial, and personal level. In the heart.

I’ve done a lot of bad things, and haven’t been the best person, but today is Friday, and a new day.

Whenever you see something horrible on the news, remember Islam is spreading like wildfire because it is the ONLY WAY. It is impossible to live any other way and be happy.

“Verily Allah will not change a nation until the people change what is within their Hearts.”


  1. /r/PublicFreakout found a video of ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Based woman beating mexican

This kid keeps becoming more and more based by the day. Infinite source of lulz


kills a pedo

Beats gussy

Can you be more based than this?

Its not even him

Fuck around and find out

find out about what?

I’m not really sure myself

Bullets hurt a lot.

Punching at it and punching at it and punching at it

why is this person filming random kids