Redditors really hate that Kenosha kid lol

1  2020-09-01 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Yeah I'm not watching that whole thing with that fucking commentary. Did he slap a bitch, and if so, was it hard enough.?

He punched a girl who was punching another girl. I think he has a hero complex. Nonetheless, I posted it for you to laugh at the comments when sorted by "controversial."

I think the girl he punched was beating up his sister. Not sure tho.

post this from a non-paywall site

  1. ⁠He aided no one, nor is ever rendering aid to anyone he shot(EDIT: he offered but never is shown helping anyone and also ignored several people he shot to die soo...)
  2. ⁠He got into a verbal argument with a protestor(EDIT: that was evidently a different person, he and Rosenbaum apparently did recognize each other as he was moving through the crowd and immediately "juked") when he saw rosenbaum, then ran across the parking lot and immediately aimed down at the protestor and fired. Then as the protestor reached for the rifle, Kyle fired again(shooting him in the hand) and one of the shots killed Rosenbaum.
  3. ⁠No protestor fired.(EDIT: no protester fired at Kyle, or in the vicinity of Kyle, and no one ever aimed a gun at him or fired anything related to his presence) this is pure bullshit, there is only one known protestor with a gun(that he interacted with), and he was streaming live and never fired it and had it only at his side as he approached and only even drew after Kyle had already killed two people.
  4. ⁠"he shot them after that" this is the biggest generalization ever. You mean he shot them after multiple people identified him as the shooter and told him to stop and he continued running. Then when he tripped over his own feet he came up with the gun and started firing at everyone who in all cases was trying to get the gun and subdue what they thought was active shooter? The skateboard guy was reaching for the gun and so was Gaige. None of these encounters justify lethal force. Read up on the laws.
  5. ⁠He did not "turn himself" (EDIT: he did apparently turn himself in the next day in his home town. He was still arrested as a fugitive of the law.)

You're shitty attempt to re characterize what happened and lie by omission is bad and you're clearly a supporter of the wannabe school shooter/woman beater.

If this is b8 you're trying too hard. Masterlawlz did nothing wrong and is incapable of doing anything wrong.

you're clearly a supporter of the wannabe school shooter/woman beater.

Definitely bait. He did get downvoted pretty hard so you can't even call it bad bait tbh.

It's hard to assign higher than 80% probability these days but I suppose the sub is basically all bait from that perspective.

Even this very message could be bait. 👀


It’s a copypasta created in the link I posted

Smh my head. Why can't people leave lawlz alone?

That one made me laugh. When you need to edit 4 out of 5 of your points, you might just want to delete it all. He's seething at everyone who makes fun of his edits.


didn't read.

more than 5 words long

didn't read lol but congrats on your transition

This is the smooth brain levels Rightoids operate under. Getting baited by this is honestly embarrassing.

It’s literally from the linked thread lol

I know. Which is why I gave all these spergs a 1 day timeout to learn how to not be retarded.



That’s because he has transcended from human to political chess piece. No one on either side really cares about him or the bums he killed, despite the ‘outrage’, he has now become a sandmannnnn-esque quasi human celebrity that stupid waterheads on both sides either want a statue of him in their city or him and his families house killdozed with them inside. You show me someone who genuinely ‘cares’ what he did who’s not a direct relative of him or his victims, and I’ll show you the subreddits they post in

I care


I care 🙋🏼‍♀️


I didnt have an emoji in my comment why did you put that there

Creative license

Can I see that license?

You have to file the proper paper work.

Zhe watches Coronation Street regularly.





Imagine making this thread.


  1. Redditors really hate that Kenosha ... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Him and the knuckleheads he brained were all idiots and nobody should really be surprised that this finally happened.

People need to get a fucking hobby. Imagine spending hours of your life writing walls of text on reddit

The Industrial Revolution and Social Media is a disaster for the human race.

Future landchad single mother eviction training colourized

He did it crocs. If only he had dem Crocs on that night he wouldn't of tripped

You never did the Kenosha Kid

Well, yeah. He’s waiting for him to be 18 first because he’s not a fucking pedo.

It’s a Pynchon reference

Pynchon a loaf.

Rosenbaum didn't want to that's why he chased him

Yeah I didn’t take your average redditor to be fans of womanbeaters

Given the number of pedophiles and male feminists on the site... Reddit is on the Right Side of History, after all, and you can't let a few domestic abusers get in the way of progress.

This is a cope but it’s also wrong. Reddit will be seen as the site that harbored extremists whatever their affiliation

Well, obviously. Many users here do love to think that they're heroes nobly fighting against oppression.


Reddit usually loves a good man on women fight video, equal rights men’s equal lefts example


Hitching your wagon to a fat porker with a face like little Nicky is a great look queen

Vaush is a hambeast who thinks Marvel movies are real life with a literal ogre for a girlfriend and Kyle should have Fortnite-danced on top of both the MAP and the skater-bro cuckold that he so righteously sent to the Nether. So begins the reign of the Gamergate generation!

Spending 25 large for recon on a mass shooters victims for only a video of him beating a woman for free is fabulous.

Imagine using the downvote button like some ass blasted redditor.

i'm colorblind i just vote at random

Hi colorblind i just vote at random, I'm Dad👨

what the fuck did you just call me

low T rentcels ftw



Kyle not letting pedos burn down the city 😡😡😡