Some posted one of Obama's war crimes and caused drama. Walls and walls of texts.

1  2020-09-07 by DucksRAMA


No, we don't. But it's so difficult for y'all to find actual, legitimate complaints about him we have plenty of time to research and refute your false equivalency. You want to dicuss legitimate complaints about him, fine. But don't engage in the intellectually dishonest tactic of whataboutism. And an awful lot of right-wing nutjobs on here claim it's a leftist mouthpiece...makes one wonder why it would let you on?



Literally Obama's one redeeming feature is all the people he drone striked.

Isn’t that why the KKK endorses Hillary? Because she would bomb more brown people.

Hillary Clinton Grand Queen of the KKK when?

And trump’s

Tiktok ban?

Make it 2. You have a great username btw

Barack bombs hospital:

Is this true? Source? More info on this? Sounds like bullshit!

Literally any other president does the same:

Communism is what America needs. Burn the country down. Amerikkka and so on and so forth.

Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Where is the source? Please link the source. Source. Where is your source? Do you have the source? This needs some source.

Woah buddy Do you have any other sources that are less biased?

Do you have a degree in that field? A that field?

Buried deeper than imoteph. And the innocent bait "is this true"

See you in Jahannam, obungus.

proof#74654540 that politics should be sealed away from the fragile and lightweight mind of normalfags

The Enlightenment and its consequences have been a disaster to politics

So what? Accidents happen.




Further proof that 90% of reddit only pays attention to politics when there's a Republican president. Like, this shit wasn't even hidden while ol' Barry was in charge. The news covered it. Other Democrats commented on it. If you were even slightly paying attention you'd have heard about it.

No, we don't. But it's so difficult for y'all to find actual, legitimate complaints about him we have plenty of time to research and refute your false equivalency.


Opinion discarded immedeiately.