r/JusticeServed learns from our estranged mother aaarrrhhhslashdrama

1  2020-09-09 by PMWaffle


What’s drama like on the inside these days? I still think it’s dumb that the entire thing for shut down because of Lawlz’s shitposting

We can go back once the feds find him and the children he forces to reenact his ben 10 fanfiction

Not likely, then. He's behind like 7 vpns.

Hes the kinda dude to be on those old web proxys tbh

Just using webcams of another monitor's webcam of another monitor

It's quite dead, not a lot of posts and half of them are not even drama. Zwei is much better.

Yeah, I understand why the jannies there don’t want a rightoid infestation getting it banned, but still it might as well just be banned at this point. Most of its user base of unapprovedcels are gone, and if pinging being taken wasn’t enough, I don’t think you can even link posts directly anymore. You’d think it be better to let it face the banhammer in a blaze of glory than to let it slowly wither away, but knowing some of the jannies there, they’re probably just desperately clinging on to their “job” before they lose the only little bit of power they have in their lives

They should lock the sub out of all posting, make viewing public, and turn the sub into a museum of past shitposting.

But I bet they're holding on hope that with enough appeals the admins will reverse everything.

They holding out until a few months after the election probs

Thats actually pretty clever

But the admins will be even more pissy after reeeelection day

I’ve been busy lately, but I was planning to make a reddit mirror that auto censors usernames and subreddit names, which could restore drama to its post ping ban and pre link ban glory.

Putting that Ashkenazi IQ to good use, eh?

Tell the mods directly via dms. If this mirror works it could actually save the sub

D R A M A D O T W I N ?


Well, you can still link to posts, unlike with the ping ban this is not something hardcoded, it's just enforced by Automoderator. The problem is not even the MDEfugees anyway, it's AHS that is killing the sub. Sadly, the /r/drama jannies seem to enjoy more a slow decay rather than a flambloyant death.

>tfw you destroy the sub to save it from the MDEfugees

Getting the banhammer is preferable alternative to the current sadness we see.

But its ardrama so they will blame mdefugees to the bitter end


Rightoids don't have a monopoly on edge posting. The dirt bag left still exists in small capacity. 🙄

Didn't say they were rightoids, I said they shit on leftoids more. Most of em were center left but hated the shit from wokies. Stupidpol was populated by dramatards initially for that reason(now it's fallen to the ch*pos).

Pewkie and one of the other mods, zsfh I think, hinted that they might be making their own website and fuck off from Reddit completely. Not sure how real that was and if it was real, whether it's still happening but that might be the next step they're planning. Could also gain some popularity if they use archives from now shut down PrettyUglyLittleLiar to build up some basic lolcow threads.

Prettyugly is completely shut down now?

Well the OG site is, there is a new, replacement site but I have not been on it and it requires registration before you can even view the threads 🙄


It needs to be euthanized already. It's like an elderly dog with cancer.

Was it because of lawlz?

Admins used this feature themselves for banning pizzashill for 90 days so I doubt they'll do anything.

I like what they're going for, but this just makes me miss r/drama more.

Are the mods never gonna make it public again?

The beatings must continue, the morale has not improved enough.

Only if y'all behave.

It does t really matter, no reddit posts kind of killed what was left.

I hate those faggots with a burning passion. That was my main sub from like 2014 to 2017 and then I was banned permanently for no reason. I’m glad they all got molested as kids

Approve me pls Reddit is really shit now

Haha imagine if they looked through this comments and approved both of us haha xD

Haha /u/MasterLawlz please 😭

I miss your stickys

How hard do you believe I'd own Lawlz if I just copied his stickys and posted them here? 🤔

So hard 😏

Bring back drama, pls :(

Can you pay to ban the mods?

The ol switcheroo


Mods...are not eligible to participate or win/reap the repercussions associated with any of the awards.

you're like 1 of 7 people to have read the rules.

Yea, I found this on SRD but I didn't see your comment. SRDines would be more fun if they weren't so smug.

Lol I member past SRD threads where they were bitching about JusticeServed mods fucking with their subscriber base, because that's not wholesome chungus 100 of them (even though they admitted they liked it when Trump supporters got baited). Jannie has to be a perfect custodian who removes hate speech and spam, any fun on top of that is malarkey.

if they weren't so smug.

Would this even be a srdino