๐Ÿค—Heyyyya my cuties.๐Ÿค—

68  2020-09-13 by Kellere31

Ok so apparently we have a lot of illiterates in our great establishment, that dont entirely understand what "no brigading means", which is why I have to resort to a little funny things now:

Brigading will from this day on get you a permanent ban. If that doesnt help we will go the path of the SRDine and I'll only allow NP Links to Reddit drama. You decide my little angels. ๐Ÿ’ž


This is such an apt analogy, I don't know why I didn't share it sooner...


u/Kellere31...you're drowning.

And you're flailing and in a panic. This makes you a risk to the very people trying to help you.

I caught that comment to Ghislaine before it was removed -- how do I know you won't lash out a me? How do I know you won't panic and drag me down too? I don't. You increase my risk to offer you any support, emotional or practical, when you do stuff like that...

Maybe, you know, thank your lifeguards?

Or if you don't like them, ignore them and let them do their job in peace?

You don't have to like them, and they don't have to like you either. But they're still the ones watching the pool and trying to keep you from downing.

Everyone who posts and comments -- they want to keep you from downing AND help you become a strong swimmer. Each time you lash out, you make yourself a more risky swimmer to try and save.

We all have different bedside manner, and while brusk, what is undeniable is Biden is a really strong swimmer. You can't pull Biden under with you.

And that's exactly the type of lifeguard I'd want watching the pool if me or my family were swimming...maybe not the only one, but guys like that have the grit to not get pulled under even when you flail.

Tulsi is a strong swimmer too. But she has a different specialty and bed-side manner. They all are different.

But if you're drowning, why do you insult and take jabs at the people watching over your pool?

All they're doing is blowing whistles because when you're not drowning, you're still running on wet concrete. They might not like you, but they still don't want you to crack your head.

I think you should consider an apology to the sub. Good lifeguards don't let people in the water who won't listen when the whistle is blown. That's what's been happening the last month or so...but you don't seem to grasp why.



Look my dude. Do you not see that you are pushing away your only support system? I would suggest you really do some self-evaluation and analysis about how you treat people on and off this sub. Because in the end, if everyone here gets banned, they aren't losing anything. But you have said multiple times that this is all you have.

Stop treating people here like garbage. Start taking advice. Push through the discomfort, push through the overwhelming feelings, and just make an effort. Honestly, you just putting in the work and being respectful will make a world of difference in your interactions on and off this sub.

And in reality, the end is already here. I think everyone is moving on. So before you internalize that no one here ever cared I wanted to be blunt and tell you this. And I hope you do internalize it and it does push you to make changes. Because your toxic attitude and behavior has pushed away almost all your biggest allies. The fate of this sub is because of you, not because "we never cared" or "we never had sympathy that no landlord loves you". You pushed people away, you bullied people, you didn't take the plethora of advice and help given. And now people are done. Because everyone here has real lives and better things to do with their time. Do you?

You realize why people don't seem to have sympathy for you (they have don't get me wrong)? Because yes, the way you were treated was unkind and I'm sure it was traumatic. But the way you interact with us is mean, and unkind, and very traumatic to some. I don't know Melania or her boyfriend or whoever else wronged you 10 years ago, but from what you have said, I'd say you somehow ended up more unkind, and more spiteful. And really, how much sympathy can I have for someone like that.

This isn't a goodbye post, I'll always lurk and comment when I please. I just felt like this needed to be said.

Thanks for reminding me to archive that whole sub. What a shitshow lmao.

But lifeguards are paid and have training ๐Ÿค”

And usually some sort of physical ability.

Lifeguards are just amphibious landkings

didn't read



we have a lot of illiterates

I do understand, I just don't care.

you a permanent ban

I'll only allow NP Links to Reddit drama

Yeah that will stop the problem ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Just make the sub private so you don't have to act like a cuck

make the sub private

it's not our job to kill the subreddit, it's the admins job

If the sub is private, then r-slurs won't be offended by our content.

And any sub that gets more than 5k members either dies or becomes SARDines.

It's a balancing act between letting it get too big and suck and inactive and suck.

A strong culture helps, the radical centrism and no serious posting rules helped drama weather the storm of fugees shitting up every undermoderated or edgy subreddit they find.

I don't understand any of this zoomer speak but ok

Making sub private didnโ€™t work for cumtown

Just make the sub private

Our mother sub would be proud

we DO NOT have a mother sub that was completely cucked out of relevancy

Apologies, I meant surrogate mother sub.

Just make the sub private

This tbh

Umm yikes sweaty so much to unpack here. First you said โ€œbrigadingโ€ but have you ever considered that some of us are subscribed to both subs that we comment on?

Ooooh look heโ€™s back

Yes Iโ€™m back my child

give us vocel flair

The economy is pretty fucked up right now so I'm considering a career change, could you please inform me as to your total compensation for the creation or this notice?

Dramacoin is low but by doing this current investment for free I hope to get the Dramacoin value back to where it was. Buy low sell high incel. Be patient.

It's an investment into the continued functioning of dramacoin mints.

Noone is illiterate here, you just have to speak Deutsch to them you r-slur. ACHTUNG KAMERADEN, AB HEUTE KEINE BRIGARDIERUNGEN MEHR!



Jannies lmao

How are you gonna tell if we brigade or not sweaty?

new thread in /r/zweirama

linked thread suddenly has 30 new comments saying "BASED" or some other rslur-speak

Rly makes u ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

imagine not using a throwaway

I make sure I'm banned in whatever sub I'm tossing before I post because I'm a good boy.


Yes, or the funniest comments have a username that ends in -RAMA.

haha umm hardly cater to me considering the fact they nerf what I play to the ground bud but I'm also not a idiot if you take a fight that you spent tons of hours going against in the test server and lose and the only answer is to outplay them with the same build I'm just gonna take a fight that's not against a build that completely counters me. You can call me a rat better than feeding kills to something I can't beat which is why the crystals are there little buddy


Tfw you use old reddit extension so np links don't even inconvenience you when brigading.

Yikes sweaty did you know that commenting on two places at once makes you a nazi brigader and literally Hitler? Do ๐Ÿ‘ better ๐Ÿ‘

Np links only fuck with desktop nerds lmao

Wjat does np even do. Iโ€™m always on mobile and i never really noticed what they do

It don't do anything by itself. Jannies target it with CSS rules to get of things like reply or voting buttons.


wtf libertarian janny

Can we have a schizo posting flair. I want to make a library of all the subs with legitimately mentally ill people like bennerwatch and gangstalking

Ok yeah

It'll be done soon.


you're not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic

wtf I love jannies now


Only place I brigade is zweidrama

Did np links ever star working?

Kind of gay but ok