Essay posting about the word jihad in a fictional setting on a joke sub. Peak reddit?

45  2020-09-13 by genericaccount1363


He said the N word 😳😳

As a American I am sorry you had to deal with the worst America had to offer.

Uh oh, another full diaper! Someone get this man some BBC porn stat

This Good Ally couldn't resist prostrating himself before a Muslim King. As he bemoaned his nation before his POC overlord, felt his position under his Brown superior, he felt a raging fire in his groin, pressing against his stained underwear.

This was the reward for being on The Right side of History and Science, and he loved every moment of it

Inshallah brother

Agreeing with Islam

Right side of Science


Imagine being a racist and islamophobe in 2020... that's a yikes from me chief

I mean americans are all shit so I guess you are right?


If the subreddit exists, it's likely to be teeming with leftoid autists having diahorretic fits of improvised agitprop

Funfact: leftoids made their own warhammer themed circlejerk sub /r/sigmarxism. Because God forbid your hobby of playing with little plastic dolls is kept non-political. But at least it tends to keep cummies somewhat contained from the other 40k subs.

Fabius Bile says Trans Rights y'all uWu🤗🤗🤗🐱💕💞

Aaaaaaaaakshually that word TECHNICALLY means something else!

Why do these 'tards never understand the difference between denotative and connotative meaning. No one cares what the dictionary theological meaning of the word is, in the west Jihad means holy war with a lot of suicide bomb vests.

the west Jihad means holy war with a lot of suicide bomb vests.

In the middle east, Jihad means holy war with whatever works.

mostly trying to ping idf snipers with rocks

Warhammer fans are the worst spec fic fanbase on the Internet. Even worse than Harry Potter

sorry to be a party pooper, jihad does not mean a religious war, it means a struggle within oneself

weak chin boys: equally detrimental to the west and to the establishment of a glorious world wide caliphate.

Holocaust wasn't genocide, it was a struggle to find ones place in the world.

Edit: god bless Allah

