Is m/le humor just a cope?

32  2020-09-13 by Meowsommar

M/n are funny because they are coping under layers of irony, cmv.


speak when spoken to or get re-educated for the harmony of a han dominated traditional society

Women simply don't want it enough, if you're an uggo manlet with no other redeeming qualities than your sense of humour and want to fuck then you're gonna get realllll funny.

It's a shame I'm such an Adonis I can't even comprehend jokes, it's a curse. 😔

Same, but I have a perfect sense of humor and I'm exactly 6'3" and drive a Mercedes with Gucci sunglasses. Life's tough for us beautiful kings (but just a little bit more tough for me)

The more you talk the more I think you are this girl I dated in high school but you havent talked about having your stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning so I dunno.

Good post. I've been thinking about this a lot. It also explains why women (in general) aren't funny:

  • Women have never needed to be funny because we are encouraged to express our emotions while men are told to be more repressed.
  • For men, being funny is a huge part of attracting women and bringing positive attention to themselves in general.
  • Those who want to be funny should be able to be the butt of the joke. Men are more used to it since boys were told not to cry for being targeted. Similar to how men get harassed more online but women are complaining more about it.
  • If you look at the famous male and female comedians, male comedians tend to cover universal subjects that the general population can relate. Male comedians are also more likely to use self-deprecating humor, dark humor and make fun of sensitive topics. Female comedians often talk about their vagina and periods.
  • There are funny women in our day to day lives but most wouldn't even think of making a living out of it. So, we see less of them in show business.

What made you finally realize it?

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