Joanne "Just Kidding" Rowling writes another book

1  2020-09-14 by Shubard75


When will she be modded?

Maybe it's time for the people of Redd*t to finally read a different book!!!

You know it’d just be another children’s book that they’d just latch on to. Is “trump is JUST like Voldemort” any worse that “trump is EXACTLY like Mr Gumblebee in The Cat I’m the Hat!!”

It'll be Avatar the last airbender isn't it?

"Omg Bernie is so wholesome like uncle Iroh and Trump is classic fire nation type xD"

get you gone weeb

They've already gotten back on the Avatar train, no need for speculation there. Iroh is LITERALLY the wisest and best written character of all time

Yeah. Zero doubt. My social media feeds are filled with Avatar shit right now.

rightoids 🤝 feminists

truly an amazing timeline

Wtf I hate rightoids now

Uh oh. Massive dilate incoming.


You'd think one of them would realize that the character in this book isn't trans by their own definition. Unless they do actually think gender is just a costume and a man literally becomes a woman if they cross dress.

Self own incoming
Edit: jannies whyyyyy
Edit 2: thank you, moderator friends!!

Honestly big respect to the kween for doubling down to own the bluechecks.

Her being uncancelable only makes this whole thing that much more fun.

I mean none of her wealth is derived from her social media/public presence, so of course she's immune to being cancelled. For a successful author like her to lose everything she'd have to do something illegal.

Should be a mandatory, state enforced read for every Harry Potter fan out there.

She just ripped off Buffalo Bill.

Transvestite killer trope has been around forever

See, e.g., Norman Bates

I thought norman bates was based off a real dude

All of them are based on Ed Gein

Ed "Auto" Gein(ophilia)


Two words sharing a prefix does not make them the same, mong

Oh im sorry. Clearly the dude pretending to be a woman is completely different from a dude pretending to be a woman.

t-slurs seething?

must be einen tag ending with a 'g'

"Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling was hit Monday with renewed criticism calling her views transphobic as she releases her latest book, a mystery novel about a serial killer who dresses as a woman to prey on his victims

Joanne “Unfathomably Based” Rowling

I just realized last night (and pointed it out to the fine folks on wizard Reddit) that there’s like 3 black kids in the entire school and the only one we know anything about doesn’t know who his dad is. Pretty sure he’s the only person in the book with a deadbeat dad, what did JK mean by this?

Post that on Twitter and watch the world burn

How come the Queen of England never said trans rights?

Just reflects the average Reddit age tbh. A lot of the kids posting here come from privilege and can’t imagine any other way.

The poster clearly needs mental guidance. So do most of the people here.


  1. Joanne "Just Kidding" Rowling write... -,*

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Traps are going to throw another tantrum

Good one Mrs rowling

implying twitter troons pass enough to be traps

LMAO based.

Why does this article by a mainstream news organisation read like a woke pamphlet 😒

mainstream news

woke pamphlet

Surely not on MY planet earth !?

How long were you in coma?

Because the mainstream is woke, except for FOX. Theyre just retarded

Get with the times Nazi, if you're not for trans rights you want to slaughter trans women en masse

troids btfo'd by shitty femoid writer. the fuck is this timeline


Rowling is the perfect example of someone having "F U money." Why should she care about what anyone else thinks?

Based wandmommy doesn't give a fuck and keeps dabbing on the troons

Actress Cynthia Nixon spoke about the impact of Rowling’s comments on her transgender son, Samuel, in an interview with The Independent posted Monday. Nixon said the author’s comments were “really painful” for her 23-year-old, who has loved the “Harry Potter” series throughout his childhood.

Won't someone think of the poor spoiled attention seeking foid's feelings? Her life as the daughter of an actress is rife with pain and suffering 😭😭😭😢


I’m getting a copy