Redditor takes the Landpill. Lots of Cope in the thread.

1  2020-09-15 by THE_LANDLORD_MESSIAH


It started out as satire but now it's overrun by people who think it's serious.

There is an image damn close to BBC porn on the front page right now. There's a trans rights post on the front page.

They're still using the exact same punchline from when the sub started. It hasn't changed at all.

It's designed to look like satire but the people posting there are definitely bootlicking dorks who think landlords are fine actually.

Actually swetty it's in insidious capitalist plot to undermine decentralized tenant-owned apartment co-ops. I suggest that you educate yourself before the next time you post so irresponsibly.

Satire is when you have vaporwave Garfield say mao is a cool dude

These are the greenest, most nutritious lolcow pastures we've ever had. Truly a blessing from the (land)Lord himself.

When people make that kind of comment you know it's because they ate the bait hard and were ridiculed for it.

The "it started as satire but got overtaken by people who seriously believe this" talking point doesnt even make sense when talking about L4L.

Do these spergs believe some edgy teen gets "radicalized" into buying rental property and then tries to solicit sex from a single mother?

Don’t underestimate the rentoid’s coping abilities

She doesn't have to be single but the rent needs to be paid somehow.

Do these spergs believe some edgy teen gets "radicalized" into buying rental property and then tries to solicit sex from a single mother?

Honestly that would be better than the actual ways people get radicalized on reddit.

What's that Anon? You played with dolls as a child? That means your actually trans. Start taking these hormones you can buy on this deep web site. Here are some discords for you to share your cross dressing photo's, don't worry, no one will doxx you and use the photos as blackmail to make sure you take hormones, that's just absurd!

Do these spergs believe some edgy teen gets "radicalized" into buying rental property and then tries to solicit sex from a single mother?

The sub did that to me. And that's a good thing.

That's a fantastic point. It's really what separates L4L from the rest of the drama portfolio.

This is why satire subs get banned. Because of autistic people knowing it's satire but choosing to believe otherwise.

Excuse me but Poe's Law states that my inability to understand satire will lead to Hitler coming back into power.

One can only hope

So it seems.

So. It. Seems.

Sounds like these guys ain't riden with Biden.

Bunch of fragile white redditors

Surprisingly some of them understand the sub pretty well, i guess not every socialist is an autist.

Agreed. I will have to evict a single mother now to negate anyone who thought we were joking

Do what's right King.

I live in Oregon, in a level 1 evacuation zone and yesterday my landlord flat out told me that they were ignoring regulations to not use machinery that might cause sparks. His response to "don't burn my home down" was "sorry the grass needs mowed we will be going about business as usual, be safe!".

Nooooo! Don't mow the grass! The government said so! But for real, did mowing grass ever cause a wildfire?

His response to “don’t burn my home down”

It’s not your home sweaty


Let me tell you this-- /r/LoveForLandlords is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a renter of property it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of investors and speculators to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened real estate investors, landlords, property managers, and bodybuilders. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as capitalistic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage evictions in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to maximize the returns on their portfolios so they continue to dogpile every Bernie bro and Trump supporter who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They spread from America to China, having an entire cabal of landlords spanning millions of communities, exposing lived experiences of the ChapoTrapHouse subscribers and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown landlord pride movement. They've raised the rent on hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/LoveForLandlords may be producing an entire army of Fergus Wilsons and Jeff Bezoses, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

I miss r/drama bro

I wish they'd just put the place out if it's misery. The place is like an old family dog that's blind and doesn't remember you anymore.

Pizzashill deleting his account was a sign that the end was coming

I've seen it floated by some mods of the sub to let it grow more and more right wing since that seems to be the direction it's going and then eventually pull the rug out from underneath them, mass ban all the genuine right-wing freaks, and hand the sub off to this sub or some similar generally anti housing commodification sub.

What do ya think about that accusation, messiah ?

It’s a bunch of malarkey


Yep, it's R*dditor time.

"If you want to know, find the "power users" of the sub and look into where else they post. The ones I've looked into all cross over into posting into subs about property maintenance, investing, the sort of stuff that you'd see and think "yeah, someone who owns a bunch of property might be interested in this".

It's not satire, you just live in a South Park episode."

Peak tenant cope

I just went on there with the thought process “it can’t be that bad, right?” But I had to stop after like five posts because it was making me excessively angry

Tfw they get mad knowingly going into a sub designed to make you mad. It's too easy at this point.

I keep saying it but it's unironically baffling how socially inept redditors are
