Whichever Zweichad just retired CONGRATS!!! 🥳

1  2020-09-15 by THE_LANDLORD_MESSIAH


Shane Gillis moving on to the comedy scene

This downie is still funnier than most SNL cast members

I only like Beck, that Irish looking twink, Kenan and that shrieky brunette. The rest could be replaced by animatronic Chuck E Cheese dolls and I probably wouldn't notice and probably would enhance the show.

Beck really solidified his career when he appeared in those AT&T ads (we’ve seen the raw talent AT&T hires ie. fat milkers)


Irish looking twink? I want one

Wholesome 100

In 32 years they literally could've promoted that dude to corporate HR and he would've been a top performer but they kept him store level because he's disabled.

Very wholesome piece of shit corporate culture.

huh? he literally would not have been a top performer, because he is r slurred.

Have you ever been inside of a Human Resources department?

oh. yeah i guess i missed the gag here lmao yeah that's pretty funny. i guess it is i who is r slurred

That's a given. You browse this sub.

Wageslave to support black trans zweichads

I'd rather kill myself than work for 32 years for minimum wage

you're posting on reddit. a fate much worse than working 32 years for min wage.

Imagine being that poor downie. Working for a red haired clown, having your peepee smell masked by the McD's stench, taking breaks in the playplace ball pits, and eating directly from the ice cream machine that you tell customers is "bwoke". It must have been awful.

Better than snorting stolen fentanyl and wanking in a damp 1 room apartment, which 100% of zweicels do.

>tfw no deadly chinese fent to snort

Oh he doesn't get minimum wage.

Why is reddit so damn wholesome and Beautiful today? 🥰🥰🥰

He will finally get the downtime he deserves

go in fit

exit it fat

the burger duality

People like these should be NEETs or independent farmers for their own gain, not exploited by billion dollar companies

Not enough chromosomes for him to be a zweichad

I dunno, a downie can have a fulfilling life as a productive member of society. How many users of this subreddit can accomplish that?

You guys think his pension will cover his medical care?

Now all he needs is a midget and a Thunderdome.

DING fries are done 🎶

Aww the little downie was a wagecuck at mcdonalds for 32 years!!

r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/humansbeingbros

r/sounding r/asiansissification r/whiteboyextinction r/blackworldorder r/sissyhypno r/BBCsissies