Basketball redditors debate on whether you should ever consider someone else’s opinion l.

1  2020-09-15 by Llamayoda


I like that ESPN has swung so far left that they have to hunt out a Token white guy to play the conservative and the best they came up with is Will Cain.

He’s like if Max Kellerman and Clay Travis had an r-slurred son

Will Cain at least has the balls to admit he is Republican. Clay Travis does the “I am democrat but here are all my rightoud takes”



TFW people don't want to hear your regurgitated talking points you got from other opioid addicts on facebook, that they could repeat back to you before you even opened your mouth

They make the mistake of thinking that considering someone else's opinion is a nice act to them, not something beneficial for yourself.

I don’t want to listen to anyone who disagrees with me, I mean, they are just crazy!

You all talk like your cult leader now too lmao. Yeah none of you deserve a platform to speak, prepare to be pushed back into the gutters in about a month and a half you unhinged clowns

Zero self awareness and full on r*tardation, absolutely based