"Not to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist but wasn’t that girl said to have been raped and beaten to death by the elite pedo ring? I’m probably wrong but once I read that allegedly this girl was kidnapped,gang raped and beaten to death by the Illuminati lmao"

1  2020-09-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


op googled dog attacks because his pibble had the nerve to growl at him

Based and old yeller pilled

Oh yeah that links is NSFL btw

Yeah it looks like something from a can of Chef-Boyardee

holy shit thats fucking gruesome

coffee tastes good this morning though ngl really nice flavor from this one

Better not be that fucking wop coffe

Thank you for stopping masturbating for long enough to share.

open link on mobile

uncensored image loads

Thank you leddit devs and hodor, very cool

Yeah sorry I put a NSFW tag on this post

Man, this has made me really sad.

Someone in the comments linked the mothers obituary as well. Can't imagine the pain they're all in.

Just because they willfully ignored the danger of having fucking pitbulls in their home.

What a charming subreddit.

Lovely find, thanks for sharing.

Holy shit that photo

You can say whatever you want about global pedophile rings, but as soon as you criticize pitties you get in trouble. Makes me 🤔🤔🤔 who is really secretly in control of our society.

Das Friedenhund

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Those comments are so confusing

Nice subreddit name and also fucking yuck