Kayne is currently having a twitter meltdown after posting his entire contract and recording himself peeing on his grammy

1  2020-09-16 by chapokiller1911


Already tweeting like a president




The Grammy is probably worth more now.

Prediction: Kanye ropes within 3 years.

Kim "finds" him tragically garotted in the middle of the night 😔

Kanye is the gift that keeps on giving.

Trust me ... I WONT STOP

posted by @kanyewest

Video in Tweet

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Who tf got time to read a contract uploaded as pics per page. Ye don't.

He doxxed a bunch of ((executives)) but deleted the tweets. I saved them tho

It's all code

The piss tapes are about to be resleased boys

Is the pee tape of orange man the boomerlibs warned us about?

Homeboys filming himself peeing in a public bathroom. Which he also brought his Grammy too.

What’s the deal with his contract