Our new waifu - South Dakotas governor - causes so much twatter seethe

1  2020-09-24 by Goes_Down_on_Women


Sorry Hawaiian mommy, you've been replaced 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

She’s so much hotter though tbf. Also waaaay more based

How dare u insult Nazi mommy like that

Y she so hot tho?!? While my heart eternally belongs to commie mommy and my assumption that she would stop the ever loving shit out of my naughty naughty capitalistic sack, bahamy mommy was a close second until this beautiful gun-lobby mommy rifled her way to the front of the pack.

The mix of creeps wanting to marry this woman because of a 20 second duck hunt video and progressives seething about a Republican playing to her base are surprisingly equal for a Twitter thread.

It's prob because the only people that know about this w*man are the rightoid coomers in south dakota

3 shots for one bird isn’t even all that impressive coming from someone that’s done it before

Check out Mitt Romney and Charlie Baker’s Twitters. Leftoids and rightoids alike seethe at them constantly. Both sides call them traitors and it’s every reply lmao.

Baker in particular causes massive seethe from Boston liberals because he's been opposed to legalizing weed and banned vaping a year ago

Now that I think about it, zoomers have just been taking L after L for the past 12 months eh

fucking take the effort to read 3 sentences you dumb faggot. it isnt a complicated post. fucking retard.


  1. Our new waifu - South Dakotas gover... - archive.org, archive.today*

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This is how we do social distancing in South Dakota.

posted by @govkristinoem

Video in Tweet

(Github) | (What's new)

Peta seethe is always great cause its both easy to trigger and absolute nonsense.


what does this even mean lmao

Who needs social distancing when you can just shoot someone who comes within 6 feet of you because you thought they were a pheasant?

Cops don't even have to mistake you for a bird.



Social distancing enforced by firearm.

Literally nothing to rage about here, she’s out standing in a field lmao that is social distancing

She murdered a 🐦 you heartless fool



I think it might be vegan rage because she’s hunting, idk though

poor bird :(

Yeah. Job opportunities in South Dakota just aren't what they used to be.

Let me shoot some birds and show alpha I am.

Rightoids are very easily persuaded

Stand against le fascismerino and sturgis bike festival

Has she had a bunch of plastic surgery? I'm trying to decide how hard to simp.

Plastoids OUT

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I thought you f slurs hated white women