Rep Dan "Ethnostate" Crenshaw of Texas leads mixed-race SS parachute division "Avengers" on mission to physically remove his Bolshevik oppressors

1  2020-09-26 by GardaPanteri


I can't get past him beaming data into his eye socket.

Only in America could you take an eyepatched veteran running for congress and turn it into some embarrassingly lame capeshit LARP.

I'm not gonna watch some cringy 4 minute political/capeshit ad. But I will do something much more important.

I'm gonna point out that there was never an SS parachute division. The fallschirmjaegers belonged to the Luftwaffe, and after the near disaster in Crete in 1941 Hitler grounded them. While American, British, and Polish paratroopers were paving the way forward toward modern air assault operations, the krauts were standing there on the ground with their dicks in their hands.

Good thing it's the 21st century and we are talking about the new reich and SS that will exists when NASCAR-Americans create it, m'autistic sexpat.

tips fedora

Imagine caring this much about me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It's been like a week now.

standing there on the ground with their dicks in their hands

as they should be

You're a fag if you don't think this is based.

However, Crenshaw is still a neo con Israel shill and that alone means he should suck start a 12 gauge.

Yikes, I found a rightoid jannies.

That's one fucking hell of a title

They know their target audience perfectly.

Crenshaw Command Center

Triple Cā€™s, what are the chances he drinks cough syrup?

BTW this new Metal Gear Solid trailer looks amazing

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck that was cringe

God Crenshaw is such a scum sucking fuck