Burgerlander woman pretending to be an anime dragon for simpbux pisses off China by saying Taiwan is a country, ignoring all backlash. The reply section of every one of her tweets is now a flaming multilingual shitshow

1  2020-09-26 by dongas420


The Chinese are the BLM of ricecels.

Chinese nationalists are one of the funniest groups on the internet, my personal favorite was a youtube channel that schizoposted about Asian superiority. His last video was him clarifying he wasn’t a wignat lmao

Taiwan is heckin' valid

it causes billions of ricecels to continually seethe and cope merely because it exists (based)

i dont speak chinese pls translate

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HAHHAHAHAH this is fucking quality

"If you are black and I call you niggar will you respect me?"


"Haha, the cross between frogs and people? Look down on your blood, deny history, and become a Japanese? Poor well frog, finally escaped from the colony position, and was turned into a colony by the offspring. You are the group that can kneel down. Up. Go to Japan as a toilet, fulfill the obligations of slaves and restore Taiwan’s colonial status "



This one has another account where she streams her RL face though.



posted by @kiryucoco

Photos in tweet | Photo 1

(Github) | (What's new)

Looks like the bot bugged and unlearned human language. Sorry folx we gotta put it down.


Haha minelayer goes brrrr

For additional context, she did it allegedly to troll shield the Australian shitposter of the company who did it first.

Hypothesis: Mandarin is better than English because you get to include more insults in the same tweet

Ricecels be wildin tho fr

Bro I be a ricecel, just non commie but I do be wild in my

in your what

Bussy? 😳

That would be funny if wumao and xiaofenhongs were people and not vermin that need to be gassed.

Based e-thot only cares about getting bread and doesn't apologize

Weebs are literal subhumans

coping 3d person mad at superior 2d peoples above

Taiwan number one!! 🇹🇼

Based women getting ricecels worked up for mentioning taiwan.