/r/nyc mod has a Kanye moment and bans the use of the word “homeless” equating it to n-slur and f-slur. Tendies flung all over the thread, one janitor even steps down.

1  2020-09-27 by THE_LANDLORD_MESSIAH


housing handicapped

Is this a bit or is this r*tard serious? How is homeless offensive?


The preferred nomenclature is "Hygienically Disadvantaged People of Pavement" or HD-PoPs for short.

House Discriminated Dwellers of Various Districts or HD DVD

Bums Loitering Upon Roof-Absent Yuppie-roads

Let be honest. If someone want to be offensive toward the homeless, they would use more based synonym like bum, derelict, vagrant, vermin, drifter or hobo


Lmao those human wrecks would get banned from r/nyc

"Hitchhikers, Trainhoppers, Backpackers, Rubbertramps, Squatters, Tramps, and other houseless travelers"

Homeless was the next step on the euphemism treadmill so people wouldn't say bum.

What is the current bland terminology now? Residentially challenged?

God's lonely man


The fact that he lists “Karen” alongside the n-slur and f-slur would definitely make me think this was satire

/r/portland did the same thing with the word "criddler", used to describe insane people who roam the streets high as balls on meth and fent while screaming at random people and stealing literally everything that isn't bolted down. Obviously the jannies didn't want users insulting Ted Wheeler's finest so people went back to the old standby, "tweaker".

God i really want to experience living in an American city before I die

Adding "criddler" to my vocab.

Homeless is about the least offensive term to describe these people. I’d understand if they were banning tramp or hobo but homeless literally just means they don’t have a home, it doesn’t imply they are inferior to someone with a home in any way, not that homeless people would be losing much sleep over it if it did.

Bipolar is a hell of a disease

That mod once banned posting imgur links because his piece of shit phone couldn't handle them. The guy is a homeless van dweller with mental issues. He's a perfect jannie

Every mod is power tripping on their own way. If I got to choose I'm okay with a homeless schizo.


Imagine being from New York. Such a vile city with disgusting accents


I hate new yorkers so much

keep talking shit about NYC. all i gotta do is put in a call to Arnold Rosenshein or my boys at Two Trees and them red faced boys with payots will be at your door faster than you can say “עֶזרָה”

Bagelcels btfo


Imagine being so fragile lmao.

This is why the homeless should be abolished

The nyc sub is just as retarded as the city itself

From the thread:"Differently Stabled"

Okay, occasionally the left can meme but only at their own expense

I am not paying some hobo for a h-word pass. Yeah I said the H-word, call the police. We must secure the existence of our homes and the future for our homeful children.

Homeless is the new jogger in those parts

These are the same retards who literally protested over a bylaw disallowing people from feeding vermin. Like rats and pigeons, people protested to be allowed to throw food on the ground so that more rats and disease spreading vermin can gather in their city and breed.

Having a city that doesn't smell like shit and piss is alt-right adjacent, or something.

Ummm cleaning up the piss and shit is gentrification sweaty

You can't even spell rentoid without 'rodent'.😕

That list of preferred term is fucking satire right? "Housing-handicapped"?

Edit: so apparently the user who posted this is a (former)mod and literal schizo homeless man. Fitting for the NYC sub

Not to mention this guy jannies in atleast 19 NYC-themed subs.

I bet he lives in New Jersey. No way he can mod that many NYC subs and have the money to live in NYC.

Don’t underestimate jannie compensation

I’m sure they get paid very well for all their hard work, right?

It would be insane for someone to do what they do with no monetary reward whatsoever

and have the money to live in NYC.

He's a hobo, so he literally doesn't 🤭🤭

he's homeless

People of Challenged Housing

theyre just differently housed, a little housing-disabled



the politically correct term is housing-retarded. the retardation of your ability to find housing, for whatever reason.

I prefer 'bed-speds' but I like yours too

They are still a mod

crazy how schizo homeless men have access to reddit, you'd think the dude would have bigger issues to deal with

All Reddit posts coming from public libraries should be automatically flagged

H*meless people have cell phones and are big fans of McDonald's free WiFi. Their stalls are great for shooting heroin in.

No, look at his post history. All he does is essay post , likely from the local Starbucks (who are no longer allowed to kick out the homeless). Almost every homeless person I've known, or seen online, spends most of their day on their phone.

too busy using reddit when he should be fighting the war with the shadow people and screaming to himself in the street at 3 am on a monday morning

apparently he does spend his time on the front lines of the shadow war but he pops in on reddit to unload a fat steaming virtual turd like this.

Now "these people are no worse or better than you or me" makes a little more sense. My thought was "uhh I think I'm probably a slightly better person than anyone stealing copper out of empty houses or spending all their waking hours intoxicated."


The jannie is probably a hml*ss(non-domesticated) person

He literally is lol

Is ‘housing retarded’ acceptable?

We prefer the term “housingly-challenged”

good on that Jantyman, mod who wrote post is not only h*meless but mntally *ll

"Urban outdoorsman" is the preferred term among first responders.

I have a fucking back injury, 200 pounds of laptops, and you want me to carry all this shit on my back? Shame on you!

...200 pounds of laptops?

How do you expect him to pay for his habit if he can't break into cars/apartments to steal shit from hipsters?

Once he has the stuff, he still has to get it to a pawn shop. You don't want to use one in the same neighborhood. That would be stupid.