I've been drinking a lot of vodka tonics today and while I considered deleting reddit from my phone I'd like my trademark flair back (only makes good posts)

1  2020-09-27 by Goodfaithislame

I tried to do it myself but I dont rem wr how to flair yourself in a phone. Also the fact that other people have it without really earning it grind my falit guy reference hdudiuehrheheud8ehrhhhd

Gimme the flair f-slurs


based drunkposter

Trailerparkguy does always make good ppata but its still an injustice because its MY IP


No. I was promised my Reinheitsgebot flair like 6 fucking months ago when the original "what are some flairs you guys want?" post was put up and I still don't have it. This janitorial staff is garbage.

Have fun

You saw this. You didn't give me my brain child back.

Why did I think the jannies here would be different.

Chill bro the alcohol burned a hole into my liver and brain.


Wtf it really is broken. I thought you were just being a smartass before. I wonder if it's because I refuse to verify my email. It's constantly trying to get me to do that.

Get in your car and drive

I shit you not, at the liquor store I've seen pre-made vodka soda being sold as "hard sparkling water"

We need a struggle session or a holodomor or something against marketing people.

vodka tonics

Mayo foid detected

My dad is unironically a total Chad. My mom was literally his babysitter that he had a crush on. It's his favorite cocktail and he introduced me to it when i was in middle school

Judge me and my family all you want, that's genuinely true

Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. I've been drinking a lot of vodka t... - archive.org, archive.today*

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