Fat women with stretch marks angry at problematic internalized misogynistic woman

1  2020-09-27 by Lysis10


I'd examine that.

This wasn't even directed at me but the passive aggressiveness made me seethe

And of course she has a post in witchesvspatriarchy


because of course she is one of those posters lol it explains so much

Wow, I never knew altering your appearance to look better means you hate women! I guess if you start wearing makeup your implying that women can’t look good without it. What about showing, dressing up, etc.

Actually this is starting to explain a lot.

I think every female sub on reddit is a bunch of fat ugly white women who really want other women to be angry fat and miserable like they are and anything else is internalized misogyny and insecurities lol

It’s a known fact that once a mayo womyn makes a Reddit account she immediately gains 50lbs and a predisposition to being r-slurred

Yeah, something must've gone really wrong in their life for a woman to make a Reddit account.

This is getting dangerously close to "Its almost like" posting.

I see what you mean, hold on I’ll fix it.

Fixed. Remember you did it for $0

Stretch marks are God's punishment for being the kind of prick that has more than 3 children.

Not that I even care. All women's body issues are a result of other women.

They're the ouroboros gender.

Lmao totes 😍